My little Boogs is finally asleep

your baby being sick and knowing you can't make them instantly better.
These last couple of nights have been on the rough side. Lucas' little cough keeps him (and us) from a good nights sleep. Saturday night and Sunday night he woke up every hour or two because he just didn't feel good. He is usually in bed by 8:00 PM and I just got him to sleep finally just a few minutes ago. The reason he (and the everyone else including Jadie) hasn't been sleeping well is because each time he coughs he wakes himself up. I'm not sure if it is the actual cough or the cough making him spit out his pacifier that wakes him up. We have paused phasing out his pacifier until he feels better. Even though all he has is a little cough and I am doing everything possible for him I wish I could do more for him.
Tonight I am on my own since Curt has to go back to work tomorrow. He's really been great though. I haven't cooked all weekend! My Christmas present this year was he did ALL the cooking while he was off from work. Next year though I think I'll try and get him to add cleaning up after all the cooking!
I better go get my first hour of sleep before Lucas wakes up.
I'm sorry that he is sick. I hope he gets better soon.
I hope he feels better, too. Those persistent coughs are the worst.
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