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Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Dear Lucas (21 Weeks),

As you get older each week it becomes harder to remember all of the amazing stuff you have done over the last few days because the older you get the more you do! Week twenty-one is certainly no exception!This morning you really amazed me! I woke up at 6 AM realizing that you had slept through the night! Once you got in all your normal pacifier spitting out and going back to sleep as soon as it was safely back in your mouth and settled down for sleep (about 10:00 PM) you slept until 6:00 AM! Usually I wake you up to nurse before I go to bed but last night I was so tired I just went to sleep thinking that you would just wake up when you were hungry... and you did at 6:00 AM!!! I know I didn't just sleep through your crying because since your Dad has been sick this week I've slept back on the couch because I don't want to get sick again. I don't know yet if sleeping through the night was just a freak accident or something you are going to keep up. I guess time will only tell!

Today we played "super baby", a new game you loved! I laid down on the floor and put you on my knees and flew you through the air. I guess you love the feeling that you were flying. It was so fun to watch your face but it was "dangerous" for me because before I knew it I was covered in your baby drool! It is okay though because I'm used to it by now. Just don't expect your Dad to be as eager to play "super baby" with you. He still has a little bit of drool phobia.

You are also getting so great at using your hands. A few weeks ago you could hold on to your teething beads but you couldn't manuver them very well. You might get them to your mouth but you would have a hard time getting a bead in your mouth and keeping it there. Now you can control the beads and chew on them all day long if you wanted.

Tonight we had dinner with a lot a lot of your Dad's side of the family. Your dad had a great idea to give you a taste of pineapple because you didn't want to play with your teething beads. I forgot that would could give you stuff like that! As soon as you tasted the sweet pineapple juice that slice didn't stand a chance. You were gumming and sucking it like we never feed you. Everyone at the other end of the table could hear you sucking and slurping away. Your mouth made the funniest motion as you gummed the pineapple with all your might!

I finally figured out why you went from crying when would take your picture to giving the camera your full attention. You have been playing and scheming how you could get the camera to your mouth and chew on the lens. Several times today when I was trying to take your picture you would have your hands stretched out trying to reach for it. Sometimes you would reach so hard you would fall on your face. One time today you actually caught the camera and before I knew it you had the lens in your mouth. I was actually trying to video you so I caught it. It was too funny!

I am sorry I ever wished your eyes would hurry up and change colors. I finally figured out how to take pictures where your beautiful blue eyes show instead of turning you into a red eye monster. You have the most gorgeous blue eyes I ever saw. If they stay blue it is fine by me. I can't wait to see them light up with the excitement of your first Christmas! I can't beleive in a few days you will officially be 5 months old and I will be 24. It has been quite a year! I wouldn't have changed a thing!

I love you boogs, right up to the moon and back,
(it is okay to try and say it! I try to get you to repeat it and you just laugh at me like I just told a joke. You also laugh the same way whenever I turn on or off a light. So far the only sounds you say are ahh-gee and lots of laughing and grunting)

1 comment:

TednLisa said...

Ahh the pineapple video was the greatest!