Jadie's first Christmas Dec 2003 (Matthew, Jadie, and Lori... in cause you had any questions as to who everyone is)

Tonight Curt went to his Grandpa's like normal and I stayed in because I just wanted a quiet night at home. I guess Lucas did too because for some reason he feel asleep at 6:00 PM and was out. I kept trying to wake him up and keep him up until 8:00 but he wasn't cooperating. So I put him in his bed. Even though he will probably wake up super early it was nice to skip his whole bed time routine for once. I went to sleep at 9:30 PM which is unusual for me but I needed to catch up on sleep. Lucas woke up at 1 AM (that is a 7 hour stretch his slept for!! He did wake up his normal one or two times cause he spit his pacifier out) to eat and he is now back asleep in his bed and I am wide awake. Actually, now that I say that as I type longer I feel my eyelids getting heavy.
I can't believe Christmas is next weekend! I think I am pretty much done with everything except for the cookies I want to make for people. Also I took a week off from pumping and storing but since we will be going to people's houses this next week I guess I need to start up production again :) Since I nurse Lucas I have no clue to how much he actually is getting since I don't have those nifty ounce markings on my breasts like bottles do. So last weekend at my Grandma's party, I was amazed when he ate 10 oz of the pumped milk I took for him in a two hour period. Well thinking of all the things I do have to do this coming week is making me tired so I am off to bed, again.
Seeing Jadie always makes me want to have a small dog, eventhough I know we don't have time for one right now.
so you made it through till 2. Hope Lucas didn't wake up for the whole day early.
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