Lucas loves his paci, but not as much as his parents do. Have you seen the Staples commercial with the "Easy Button"? His pacifier is our easy button! Most the time when he starts crying all you have to do is pop in that wonderful little thing and he is happily (and quietly) sucking. I know we use the pacifier for our peace of mind more than his. The only problem is he has started to wake up a few times at night because he has spit it out in his sleep. As soon as it is safely back in his mouth he turns his head and is instantly back in baby dream land.
I've read and heard tons of stuff about how it is easiest to take a pacifier away from a baby around 4-5 months because they won't remember it and be as traumatized. After the 4-5 month window it gets harder to wean them from the wonderful little nub.
I am starting to wonder if I should take this window of opportunity. (No offense to any of the wonderful parents I know whose little ones still use a binky or a paci) I just don't want Lucas to be sucking on his pacifier and it keep him from certain things. I know sometimes he would "talk" if he wasn't busy sucking and I miss seeing his whole smile when he smiles with his pacifier in his mouth. Also sometimes he is trying to "taste" his toys and can't quite figure out how to do it with his paci in his mouth. I don't think he realizes yet "if I spit this out then I can put that in my mouth."
My only problem is I'm not sure how to wean him off his pacifier when it is more of an aid to us than to him. I'm the one frantically looking for it at bedtime. There have been several days when I have thought to myself "okay no pacifier today" only to find myself scrounging for one an hour later. I won't even leave the house without doing a pacifier check. Lucas doesn't even use it 95% of the time we are out because he is too busy looking around or eating the butterflies on the straps of his car seat. I keep thinking well, I can't take his pacifier away before Saturday because I'm leaving Curt all alone and well Sunday won't work either because we are going on a long car ride to Vidalia. I might try it on Monday. If I do decide to go through with the whole weaning thing I know I'll have to put them in a plastic bag and put them in Curt's car so he will drive off to work with them and I won't have access to them. I'm like a crack addict. If the pacifiers are left in the house no matter how hard I try I know I'll use again.
So on Monday if you see me and I have the shakes you know why. I'm going through paci withdraw.
No offense taken, as I was on crack and I still am! Ted is the one taking it away now, after Colby falls asleep.
Ean still has his at night. Hey you know what? I had a bottle and was in diapers until I was three and I gave them up finally. My take is that they will live.
Ean know now that he can't leave his room with it, he leaves it in his bed. After he was a few months old he didn't have it hardly at all out of the house but you are right it is more for us than him but still he wants it.
I figure he will give it up before he starts school, LOL. It hasn't prevented him from talking or anything else.
Food for thought.
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