I thought I loved the holidays before but having you around makes them that much more exciting. You are delighted by the lights and the music but most of all when we got out you seem amazed by all the hustle and bustle of everyone that is out shopping.

You love to go! As soon as I put you in your car seat you are so excited you start kicking, laughing, and smiling. In the car you just can't stop "talking" you are so excited! The first time I took you shopping this month I forgot that it would probably be crowded. At first I was worried that you would be overwhelmed with all the people and the noise. Instead you've taken it all in stride. You have so much to look at and take in.

Plus the Christmas season gives me one more excuse to dress you and Jadie up just like Halloween did. You'll thank me one day when you want to play dress up and there is nobody else around except me and Jadie. By then she'll have lots of practice playing dress up with you.

This week you have slowly stopped spitting up. We're still not sure what caused it. The only thing different that happened to you where your immunizations the week before. I'm just glad you are back to plain baby drool.

I still think you are getting ready to start cutting teeth any day now. I didn't know someone could bite so hard without teeth. Every chance you get you are pulling my finger in your mouth and gnawing down. Nothing is safe from you chomping on it. Tonight you were so happy you finally got a hold of Jadie's ear and as you brought it to your mouth you were so happy you didn't even notice that you already had your pacifier in your mouth. You just kept sucking and pulling Jadie's ear to your mouth thinking you finally got to taste Jadie. I couldn't keep myself from laughing.

Up until today I have had some what of a hard time putting you down for a nap. You will go to sleep as soon as I tuck you in at night but during the day if I don't catch you at the perfect second then it is a fight to get you to sleep. For some reason today I decided to try swaddling you. We've used to wrap you up in a little baby burrito when you were younger and couldn't control your arms but stopped once you could put your hands in your mouth. We're also done it when you don't feel good and nothing else can soothe you. So today I swaddled you and laid you down in your crib. You turned your head and looked over at your slumber bear. Within seconds you closed your eyes and were snoozing. You slept for almost two whole hours! (Ususally you nap for about 30 minutes several times a day) It was amazing. I was able to get a few things done and take a nap myself.

You are so amazing! Please Boogs, do me a favor and be extra cooperative for your Dad this week. He doesn't have as much patience as I do but it is slowly growing. He switched his plans with the guys from Saturday to Friday so I could go out and celebrate my friend Shannon's birthday and have some adult time. He has never put you to bed before. Usually he just watches and listens as I read your story and then tells you "good night" and "I love you." Saturday will be his first time solo. I think he is going to practice on Thursday night so you aren't too freaked out. Please be patient with him. He loves you so much! You couldn't have gotten a better Daddy! Well I love you my little baby! I can't wait to see what you are like at 20 weeks because 19 has been pretty great!
Oh no his Aunt Lisa couldn't buy him his first snowman. Ahhh he looks very cute next to the tree and the strange reindeer you must have let in the house.
You are so lucky to have Jadie, she is such a good sport. Lucas and her will have so much fun in the next year and beyond. Cute post!
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