Thinking he had calmed Lucas down he went and laid him back in his crib two minutes later. Even though I was across the house I could tell the second Curt's hands left Lucas' body because his screams should have broken all the windows out of our house. Once you pick Lucas up from his crib you are not going to be able to lay him back down and he will NOT go to sleep no matter how tired he is. Curt spent the next hour and a half trying to calm him back down and get him to go to sleep. He was determined to get Lucas to sleep. When I saw tears streaming down his face (he is going to kill me for telling the internet this) I took Lucas from him. All he kept saying was "I was trying." I know he was trying to help so I didn't say anything like "I told you so" even though I thought it inside my head very loudly. Instead I just said "I know"

I nursed Lucas and calmed him down and got him in his swing to play. He still was hell bent on staying awake. I went to go put up some more laundry while he played. I guess after the whole nap incident he didn't want to be left alone so Curt got his swing and pulled him next to the computer while he checked his email. Soon Lucas was snoozing. This kid was so intent on playing and not going to sleep that he had a death grip on his toys even though he was sleeping.
Since Lucas was finally sleeping and we really had no quick to make food in the house I offered to go to the store and pick up something frozen and microwaveable for Curt for dinner. I also stopped by the post office and mailed off our Christmas cards. The Post Office near us closes at noon (and it was 2 PM) so I didn't get to mail off the Christmas card for our family in Finland so I'll have to go back Monday.
On the way home I was waved down by Michael, Ashlee #2's husband. It turns out they did move in just a few houses down from us. In all the rush moving Ashlee lost the paper my phone number was on and couldn't remember our last name so that is why we didn't hear from them. Michael ran in and got Ashlee and Jacob (who is over 16 lbs) and we caught up for a few minutes. Of course she started off wanting compare Jacob and Lucas and that was a little annoying. Also, I guess to be fair we met while we were pregnant and really all we know about each other is baby stuff. I'm sure we'll keep in contact still now that we have "found" each other. Maybe if we hung out and got past all the "my kid is better than your kid" stuff then we could become really good friends. I guess time will only tell.
When I got back home Lucas was awake so I feed him and since he woke up 5 minutes after I had left he didn't really get a good nap. He feel asleep while he nursed and I laid him in his crib. I got ready to go out while I told Curt all the tricks he needed to know since this was his first time putting Lucas to bed. Once again I told him "If he wakes up give him his pacifier and DO NOT PICK HIM UP because he will go right back to sleep."

I nursed him one more time before I put my clothes on (to make sure he didn't spit up on me... I guess Lucas was also stressed by all the nap time stress so yesterday he started spitting up and scratching his face off again) I kissed both of them goodbye and when I left at 6:00 PM Lucas was on Curt's lap playing with toys.
On the way to dinner I stopped to pick up a bouquet of flowers for Shannon as a birthday gift. I had a great time at dinner. I loved seeing Shannon again and it was also nice to see her boyfriend Jimmy. Those two are so cute together. He is the kind of guy that makes sure everyone is included in the conversation and he always asks about Curt and he really listens when you talk to him. I'm always surprised when he brings up something we all talked about months ago. I've known Shannon since 4th grade and it was nice being introduced as "this is Kari she is my oldest friend." I had met a few of Shannon's friends before and everyone was really nice. It was strange to be out though with people who didn't have kids. After dinner everyone else was going downtown but I promised my mom I would go shopping for birthday presents for my Grandma (I was tired anyway) but one night when Lucas is a little older I hope Shannon, Jimmy, Curt and I can all get together.
It was a little after 8:00 PM when we all left Sushi Time Towa and I went to Goody's and Wal-mart in the search of birthday gifts. I stopped at 10:00 PM because I was exhausted and just wanted to climb in bed and go to sleep. While I was driving home Curt called and said "Lucas woke up" and when I walked in the door there he was hanging out with Curt and Jason (Curt's very LOUD friend Jason). I asked Curt if he tried giving Lucas back his pacifier and he said "No I didn't want him to cry." After I nursed Lucas and put him back to bed I wrapped the presents for my Grandma and finally made it to bed.
Lucas woke up almost every single hour that night expecting to be picked up. So for now the paci plan is on hold so I can get Lucas back on his normal sleep schedule. I have no idea how Curt could in one day destroy what it took me over a month to do. (I know he didn't mean to do anything on purpose but that is going to be hard to remember when I am getting up every hour because Lucas now won't go back to sleep with just simply putting his pacifier back in)
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