I was trying to snap a few pictures of Lucas before I put him down for a nap but he just wasn't having it.

So I called Jadie up there and instantly he stops crying

Oh Lucas doesn't care about Jadie's ears anymore. The new object of his affection is her tail. Since it is long enough to reach to his mouth one of these days I'm going to turn around and find my baby with a mouth full of Jadie hair.

Then Jadie Moves Away and it is right back to the sad face

Not sure if Lucas is more upset that Jadie moved away or that she is hogging the camera.
We are slowly getting over our colds. Lucas and I haven't gone anywhere because I want to keep him away from any germs he might pick up while his little immune system is down. Also his sleep pattern (or lack there of) is still throwing me for a loop. Last night he slept from 6:30 PM- 3:00 AM without waking up. Then from 3:30-7:30 8:30-11:30 and then 1:00PM -2:30 3:30-6:00PM and then he went back to sleep at 7:30! I don't know if he is sleeping because he is sick, teething, playing so hard, or just because he is growing and needs the extra sleep. I'm not complaining I just never know when he is going to wake up (or go to sleep) next.
It is funny now to think that a few months ago I was having such a hard time getting him to take a nap and calling him the baby that never sleeps! (wow I can't beleive how much he has grown compared to the picture in the linked post!)
Monday Ashlee #2 called and Lucas started to get a little fussy for a nap so I walked him in his room and laid him down while she was saying "oh poor little guy he sounds tired," and I walked out and he went right to sleep. She finished telling me what she was saying before he started fussing and then said "do you want me to let you go so you can get him to sleep?" I just answered her "oh I already did he's been asleep now for about 5 minutes." She couldn't believe that I could just lay him down and he would go to sleep. I felt like the mom of the year... I wonder if that is why a few minutes later when she asked "Does Lucas sit up unsupported yet?" and when I said "yeah for about 5-10 minutes," she quickly said "Well Jacob sits up for 15!" I can't wait to tell her about my babysitting dog. I'm sure she'll just reply that she just bought the worlds only talking dog!
You forgot to tell her Lucas is the most amazing Nephew in the whole wide world. Lucas has him BEAT! Hands down.
hey what kind of dog is Jadie?
Her mom was a black miniature Doberman pinture and her pops was a furry white Pomeranian pekingese mix and somehow we got a chihauha (spelling?) look alike :)
Looks like Jadie's doing a good job to me, smile.
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