We had a nice weekend and it seemed longer because Curt went to his Grandfather's house on Friday night (instead of Saturday night like usual). We went to Lori and Tony's apartment because they invited us over to see their new furniture (I asked if we could only look at it or if we were allowed to use it) and have dinner. On the way over Curt even commented "I like having the whole weekend to spend with you. I feel like a real adult going out and going stuff together." (Hmm.. does this mean he will start having his guy nights on Friday's or switching off? I'm not sure yet!)
Their new furniture was gorgeous, dark wood and a white couch and chairs that looked expensive and traditional (just like I pictured in their house.) I'm not volunteering to help when and if they ever move! The furniture looks HEAVY! Good thing Tony is in the military so he can have his Army buddies help move them!
Tony made pizza (not the frozen kind out of the box) and it was pretty good. After dinner we all settled in to watch Herbie Fully Loaded. In the middle of it Lucas feel asleep (it took him a while because of the surround sound they have hooked up... which is VERY cool except I'm glad we never got it since I already say "can you please turn that down just a little bit" to Curt more times then I change Lucas' diaper in a day and that is just with the sound coming from the basic TV!) Lucas and I were sitting right next to a speaker so I turned it around (sorry Guys, I think I forgot to face it back!) and he feel asleep soon after.
Since Lucas was asleep I had a choice to make: I could either watch the movie or take a nap myself. I woke up maybe a minute before the credits started to roll and it took me a little bit to realize where I was! (For some reason since having Lucas this is a normal occurrence... at least once a night I wake up looking for Lucas only to realize "Oh yeah he is in his crib." For some reason I expect him to be cuddled up under the blanket next to me). When the movie went off at 11:30 we gathered up all of our stuff and headed home (except for a pacifier I think I left there somewhere). Yes, 11:30 on a Saturday night and we were exhausted (even though I had just woken up from a nap)! Back in our childless days we would have kept on going into the wee hours of the night and then stopped at one of those all night diners for breakfast at 4 AM the next morning. (Oh yeah before Lucas went to sleep Curt's Brother David called to invite us to go to Midnight bowling... can you tell he doesn't have kids? He wanted us to find a babysitter at 10 PM so we could bowl from midnight- 3... and the funniest thing is he thought we could stay up that late doing a physical activity!)
Today we had another low key day. We spent the beginning of it sleeping on and off. I don't know how I kept getting Lucas to go back to sleep just by feeding him until 11 AM. (maybe because he didn't officially get into his own bed until midnight??!!??) I also was able to take a nap in the afternoon while Curt was on baby patrol. After I woke up (not of my own free will but because Lucas' was hungry again) I topped him off and left to go to the grocery store to get something for dinner since we had NOTHING in the house (and I don't mean the nothing where their is food but you just don't want to eat it). When I left Curt he was feeding Lucas Peaches & Peas (which you have to trick Lucas by switching off a spoonful of each because he is not a pea fan) and this is what I came home to:

Tomorrow we have good news to share! I don't want to post it just yet because I don't want to jinx anything! I know it is supposed to be a sure thing but for some reason it is such good news for us that I won't believe it until we find out for sure! (Most of our family already knows what it is)
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