"Look Mom, I like this dog too!"

"Why do the Purring dogs keep trying to run away?"

"Just wait, one of these days I'll be strong enough to pick you up!"
The weather has been so nice the past few days that I finally decided to take full advantage of it and actually take Lucas outside longer than just to let Jadie do her business or instead of sitting his swing in the opening of the door so he is just looking out into the world instead of experiencing it.
Going outside I started to notice all these interesting things and I realized what I missed about my pre-baby days is my Photography. As soon as I knew I was pregnant I had to stop developing pictures in the dark room because of the chance the chemicals would harm the little person growing inside (now known as Lucas). My teacher was great about letting me use work I had already completed at the beginning of the class and mixing it with digital prints so I could complete the class and graduate.
I guess after I graduated I just felt like the only way I would be happy with my photography was if I was able to work in 35mm B&W and develop my own prints (one of the reasons being I can't afford a digital SLR Camera). That just isn't an option right now. So I deciding to start taking pictures with my digital camera like I would if I was using my old film camera (I know I won't be happy getting my film and prints developed by someone else). I decided to just to start using the digital camera I have and start enjoying photography again and not just use my camera to only capture cute pictures of Lucas. So bare with me as I start to dive back in. It's been over a year since I was shooting to capture more than just a family snapshot for our photo album.
Bird House
bug (previously called Spider)
Cool Photos Cool Flickr
Maybe you will inspire me to update my Flickr phots, I've been meaning to just have a Disney one.
YUCK, that spider is huge!!!
ummmm, Kari spiders have 8 legs, unless that is a Georgia spider and it is a little bit slow
Well I didn't ask him why he only had 6 legs because I was scared he was going to jump on me because he kept moving and wouldn't hold still.
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