It is pretty impressive that at 24 weeks old you already have two of the things that I wanted most for you; your love of books and your love of animals. (Well that and you are ticklish all over and now I have the power to send you into a fit of laughter just using my finger tips.)
You still love to be read to more than anything. At night while reading your bedtime story you will giggle as I flip the pages. You start crying when I say "The End" (of course that could be more about you realizing that it is time for you to go to sleep than the actual story ending). You also just adore the feel and shape of books. If I put two things in front of you and one of those things was a book and the other thing was the coolest thing in the world that all other babies would pick you would choose the book. You love to feel the pages and chew on the pages and gaze at the pages. You also will pick a paper or cardboard book over a cloth book any day!
The other love in your life I am proud to say is animals. I thought that maybe because you have been around Jadie your whole life (in and out of the womb) that you just loved her and that other animals might freak you out. Every animal you meet you want to be friends with and give slobbery baby kisses too. Today I took you to meet my best friend Katie for the first time. She has a dog named Kujo (that is actually Jadie's big brother, just from a older lot of puppies). Kujo barks at everyone and everything and his bark is much deeper than Jadie's. All of his barking didn't scare you one bit. Instead it just sent you into fits of giggles. As soon as he walked up to you he didn't bark just looked at you (everyone else he barks at but not you!!!) and the second you saw him you opened your mouth wide open... just like you do for me, or Daddy, or Jadie when you want a kiss.

The only animal you can't seem to befriend is my old Cat Marshmallow. I got her the summer before I started 3rd grade. Whenever we go over to your Grandparents house (which is where she lives still) she runs as soon as she hears or sees you. Don't take it personally. She is a big Chicken and runs from just about everything. Of course your Grandma blames that one on me. She doesn't believe me that Marsh loved to have scotch tape put on her paws or be washed with shampoo and conditioner to make her smell good. She loved it... she just pretended she didn't! I can't wait until you are old enough to really play with Jadie. She is a sweet dog and we are really lucky! The other day you pulled her ear hard. You are still determined to put her ear in your mouth and you almost made it except she started yelping in pain and I had to free her from your fists. Any other dog would have snapped at you (and with good reason) but Jadie just cried.
I just know your first word is going to be dog or Jadie and not Mama... and I know I'll forgive you because I'll just be in such awe of you speaking. Your second word though better be mama or we are going to have to have a very long talk!

Boogs, I love you to the moon and back!
1 comment:
Thanks for your latest letter to Boogs.
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