Then Saturday I was supposed to get together with my friend Shannon but I think I might have over fed Lucas because he kept spitting up like crazy so to make sure he wasn't sick we stayed home. Once Lucas stopped spitting up peaches, Curt when to his grandparents' and I went to Bernie & Stacy's for dinner with Ted, Lisa, and the boys. I had a really great time. Stacy made the most amazing chocolate cake that I need to try and remember to ask her for the recipe.

We are slowly "fattening" Lucas up. I can tell because he is growing out of my favorite baby Gap "Sleep Tight" PJ's that I bought for $1.00 at THE thrift sale Lisa took us to in October.
Bob's (Curt's Dad) birthday is Feb 8th so today we all got together to celebrate. Lucas got to see his cousin Kaliegh one more time before she flies back to Arizona. He also got to see his other cousin Steven who lives a couple towns over.

Both Steven and Kaliegh adore Lucas and are so sweet with him and love to play with him.

Lucas loved the attention from his older cousins but he loved one thing even more... Kaliegh's hair. He kept trying to grab a hand full of it!

Steven moved Lucas away from Kaliegh's pretty blond hair so she wouldn't have to defend herself while taking pictures.

Of course Kaliegh wanted her turn holding Lucas. Lucas was fine with this so he could work out his plan to grab Kaliegh's hair.

If nothing else my kid is already a strong willed and determined baby!

Finally it was time for cake and everyone had a laugh over it being Bob's "74th" Birthday!

Lucas and his Aunt Sam. Lucas wasn't quite sure what to think about all the laughing.

Kaliegh quickly volunteered to help her Grandpa by being the official candle licker.

Justin always willing to pose for a picture tried his hardest to keep his eyes open for once.

Steven, Grandpa, and Kaliegh enjoying their cake.

Uncle David doing his "Luke I am your father Joke," ...again.

Birthdays are hard work so Bob had to get in a nap so he could be well rested to watch the Super Bowl!
1 comment:
Kaliegh hair is growing and it is so pretty. Steven looks older, I guess because he is the biggest cousing. I always enjoy pictures of Lucas with his cousins.
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