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Sunday, March 19, 2006

Catching Up With Friends

Phillip plays his Piano, Phillip's Dad (Bo) puts together Phillip's new bubble blowing lawn mower Posted by Picasa

Saturday Lucas and I went to Phillip's birthday party. We both had a really good time. I had fun talking to the other moms and Lucas had fun being a little flirt!!! He was the youngest one there by a few months but that didn't stop him from laughing and smiling at everyone. Also he had juice from a sippy cup for the first time. Another mom let me use one of her sippy cups since I didn't bring Lucas' and I didn't think he would be able to use it since it wasn't anything like the kind he was used too but he tried it and was able to drink out of it better than anything else we have tried with him. Also they are really cheap and reusable but at the same time they are disposable so it isn't a big deal if one accidentally gets lost (or given to a little baby named Lucas at a birthday party.) I can't wait to go to the store and buy him a few. I think we'll still hold off on giving him juice for a little while because of all the sugar but it was really cool to watch him suck down the juice from the sippy and hey there is always water.

We stayed at the party for about two and a half hours and even though Lucas missed his nap he didn't get cranky until we were walking out of the door. I was so surprised by how much of a good mood he was in. I guess he just kept occupied watching all the other little kids and flirting with all the girls. It was a combined birthday party for Phillip and this little girl Kaleigh who turned 1. Right before we were leaving Kaleigh crawled over to Lucas and they were smiling at each other and Lucas stroked the little girls head really gently and she touched his face and it looked like he kissed her finger. It was really cute but happened too fast for me to grab the camera and take a picture. I did get a picture of Lucas and Ashlee though which I posted earlier. It was the first time she has seen Lucas in person and the first time I've seen her since I was pregnant.

After the party I went by Katie's house and she followed me back to our house. (She hadn't been to our home since she was here about two summers ago.) I feed Lucas and put him down and we ate nachos and just talked and laughed and looked through old pictures and yearbooks. She stayed until about midnight and right after she left Curt got home from his weekly night out at his Grandpa's house. He got on the computer for a while and I read a bit more of Memoirs of a Geisha. (I've had the book for over a year but I'm just getting to reading it now.) We went to bed around 2AM and I was surprised that Lucas never woke up once.

I guess since there was so much excitement at the birthday party (and he only got a 40 minute afternoon nap on the car ride home) he was just wore out and he slept from 6PM until 5AM! He's been sleeping for long chunks of time and "sleeping through the night" but usually he wakes up around 11:30) like he did tonight to nurse and get a diaper change (he isn't just a "morning pooper" anymore).

Today my friend Michelle (who I haven't seen since Middle Schoo... so about 10 years) was on her way back to Florida after coming up for St. Patrick's Day weekend. Since we live right off the highway she stopped for a few minutes at a gas station right up the road and I went up to meet her and we just talked in the parking lot. The visit was too short but she had to get back home and it was still really nice to get to see her! One of the first things she said to me was "oh wow your hair is dark!" I had forgotten all about being blonde in middle school! I was blonde when I was little and as I've gotten older my hair has turned darker. When it first started turning dark I used to dye it blonde all the time. The last time I was blonde was before Curt and I started dating.

When I got home Curt jumped in the shower and I got Lucas dressed and we went into town. We stopped by Curt's grandparents house so that Lucas could visit with his Grandma Barbara and then we went to Best Buy. Curt got a video game and I got a Photo Editing Program which I think I am really going to like. Afterwards we went to lunch for the first time as a family of three. Lucas was a good little baby and didn't fuss at all. While we waited for our food I fed him his lunch and then while we ate he fed himself cheerios. I think Lucas already likes Mexican food because he loved when we gave him little tastes of guacamole (which tasted like it was just mashed up avocado which he has had already), salsa (it wasn't even the least bit hot!!!) , rice, and beans. (He also tried roast beef today and LOVED it.) I'm starting to relax and give him little tastes here and there of what we eat.


TednLisa said...

I can't see your new toy (Photo editing program)

K A R I™ said...

i fixed it