The last couple of days I have really missed those times when you were younger (wow that sounds like you are 33 years old instead of 33 weeks old) when you would sleep in my arms with your tummy against my tummy. Well now I understand "be careful what you wish for" more than ever. For the first time today you got sick (which is why I didn't take a lot of pictures of you today.) Sure these last 33 weeks we've dealt with you been congested, and scratching your face off, and not gaining any weight, but you've never been sick before.
I helped your Grandma Valeri sort through tax receipts while you napped in the guest bedroom today. She left to go to a meeting and you woke up soon afterwards and I nursed you like I always do. You weren't really nursing well just looking around so I thought you were just too into looking around so I decided to go ahead and give you a jar of baby food peaches for lunch. You got really happy as soon as I sat you down and started to feed you but after a few bites you started shrieking at me (which I call you Squeakins when you do this) the way you do when I am not feeding you fast enough. So I start spooning in the peaches faster and you keep eating. When you are all done I clean you up and you seemed like you were happy again. I started getting your things together so we could stop by and see your cousins and your Aunt Lisa.
As soon as I snapped you in your car seat you spit up a little on yourself and in your car seat. At this point you are starting to get a little whiney but if I was covered in recycled peaches I would be grumpy too. So I stripped you and your car seat down, throw the peach covered things in the washer and lay you back down on the guest bed and you go back to sleep. I thought that you had just spit up because I didn't burp you well enough after nursing you because you seemed fine.
Just as I am putting the clothes and the car seat cover in the dryer you wake up. Your Grandma had just walked in the door and offered to get you. When she brings you to me I put on your extra outfit from your diaper bag and I had just gotten the last snap snapped and picked you up when you decide to throw up all over me and a little bit on yourself. So your Grandma takes you back and wraps you in a blanket while I change shirts and we take the now dirty onsie off of you. Well I think sick babies become nauseous by the smell of clean clothes because you threw up all over your clean blanket and then on your Grandma.
Instead of putting more clean clothes on you we wrapped you up in towels and I held you against my chest and you went to sleep. I just held you and I felt my eyes tear up because I missed holding you like this but I was sad because you were feeling so bad. In your sleep you would let out these little puppy dog whimpers that were so pitiful and cute at the same time. You were also burning up. You would wake up and go back to sleep and then wake up and your Grandma offered to take you so that I could take a break in case I had to be up all night with my sick sweet baby.
I went and curled up in my parents bed under all of their covers and dozed off for a little bit while your Grandma gently walked you around and talked to you. I wish I had gotten a picture of the two of you. After you threw up on her clothes she went and put on her purple bathrobe without taking off her black boots she wore to her meeting. She also had a little bit of throw up in her hair (courtesy of you but she was more worried about you feeling bad then about the little bit of baby puke in her bangs) and she was holding you wrapped up in all these towels. It was one of the sweetest funniest things that I've ever seen. It made me think of all the times when I was sick and she would sit there rubbing my tummy or bringing me hot tea or trying to get me to eat an orange. I am so glad you got sick at your Grandma's house because if I had been alone I'm sure I would have been freaking out and just her whole being kept me calm and made me realize you just were "normal baby sick."
I waited until you seemed to stop throwing up before I buckled you in your fresh clean car seat and took you home. I didn't want to take the chance that you would throw up again on the way home and have to sit in your own baby puke the rest of the ride. We made it home with out any more puke and when we walked in your Dad was putting together our new dining room table and chairs. You gave him the smallest little smile and kept laying against me. I felt your head and you felt so much better and not as hot as you did a few hours earlier. I nursed you and put you to bed at 7 and you've been asleep every since.
I hope tomorrow you feel better and that we can all eat together at the table for the first time. I love you bugga bugga and if you wake up a million times tonight I'll be there to hold you and rub your back and tell you it is ok. I love you to the moon and back.

Oh I'm so sorry that Lucas got sick, well this kind of sick. I hope you don't get sick. Well I hope he feels better.
that is the most awful kind of sick. I know I would always freak out when Ean was little like that and got sick. Ben hasn't done it yet, knock on wood. Hope he feels better!
Bless his little heart, his expression says it all. Hope he feels better soon.
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