Lucas seems to be feeling a lot better today. I didn't give him any solids today until this afternoon when he started making these funny chewing motions like "hey do you see what is missing here?" He wore me down and I broke out the Cheerios. When he sees that yellow box he lights up like I will do when I finally wear him down and he breaks out the "ma ma." Once cheerios are placed in front of him you better pull your finger away immediately or you might end up with only three fingers and a thumb. He eats cheerios by handfuls as if it will be years before we feed him the little golden circles again. I love cheerios because they are so easy to clean up. All I have to do is brush the remaining bits into the floor and our automatic vacuum is there ready to suck them up (too bad the automatic vacuum can't open the door and take herself out for bathroom breaks.)
Lucas is sitting in his brand new highchair and I don't know who loves it more me or him. Today while I was cleaning the kitchen he loved being up high and watching what I was doing while I handed him random kitchen utensils to bang, chew on, and drop. It isn't JUST a highchair.... it is a fully loaded one. It goes into a million and two positions and has this cool little tray that flips out from the main tray to hold a container of baby food safely out of reach of Lucas (something you don't think about until you are trying to feed a baby and looking for a place to set the jar without worrying that little hands will grab it and dump it everywhere) Also it can fit up to the table. I put out booster seat in one of the dining room chairs today and it is a good thing that we got the high chair after all because if Lucas was sitting in his booster seat the table would come up to his chin so he wouldn't be able to feed himself like we wanted. Plus the high chair allows us to be lazy and leave the booster seat in the car so we have a place to feed him while we are at other people's houses during meal time.
Lucas was fed and in bed by the time Curt and I sat down for dinner at new dining room table. So we are yet to have our first official family dinner at the table. The dining room table is my new favorite place in the house. We actually sat and talked to each other instead of eating in front of the TV. Also, I even forgot we had a dog for a little bit because Jadie wasn't watching our every bite and sitting next to us on the couch waiting for us to drop something. Instead she took a nap on the carpet under the table.

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