I told him since he was sick he needed to go bed and stay there and stay away from us because I don't want me or Lucas getting sick... I could NOT believe what he said to me next....
are you ready for it???
"Well when you are sick you don't stay in bed all day!!!!"
Hmmm I think it is called having an almost 9 month old... Yeah I wish I could stay in bed all day when I was sick... or heck I'd love a day in bed when I wasn't sick!!! I can't call in to Lucas "hey little guy, Mom's not feeling so hot today so you are on your own, k?"
After realizing what he just said he went to the bedroom and stayed there. Later when I go in there to put up some laundry he goes "Hey, why don't you bring Lucas' baby monitor in here so when I need something I don't have to yell for you." Yeah right... All I had to do was just give him a look and he quickly added "oh I was just kidding" Needless to say he stayed in bed all day... and didn't "whine" at all... Usually he is a HUGE baby when he is sick... if you couldn't tell. I'm not complaining really, just thought I would share a laugh.

Tonight after Lucas went to bed I met Katie up at Starbucks for a little girl talk. I got home just in time for Lucas to wake up for his nighttime feeding. I love this time of night because he is just so sweet and willing to cuddle with me instead of trying to get into everything. I am always surprised how he can wake up in the middle of the night and be wide awake and then go right back to bed a few minutes later with no problems.

Men are the BIGGEST SUCKS when they're sick! I believe this with every fiber of my being - and good on you for making him stay in bed - I bet he didn't see that one coming ;)
I, too, am amazed at the "now I'm awake/now I'm asleep" trick babies use, and I thought it was unique to babies until I met my husband... now THERE'S a man that can pass out quickly.
*whispers at you*: Siiiiimsssss... Plaaaaay the Siiiiiimssssss ;)
Yes, I agree cute siblings
funny Curt- he probably thought while he was laying in bed how much better it would be if he was at work. HA! You made me laugh.
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