Today I woke up with a sore throat and I couldn't even talk. I kept trying to say things to Lucas all morning and he would give me this look like "you look like my mom, but you don't sound like her, what is going on here?!?" Since we were running low on diapers I sucked it up and we went to Wal-mart. By then I at least had a raspy voice. Lucas kept making me laugh because he would make this "roar" sound like a dinosaur and just burst out laughing all through the store.

I realized the poor sheltered kid didn't own a real ball (Jadie has a tennis ball but we never let him play with it because it is gross and I want him to learn that he can't play with Jadie's toys just like we've taught her not to play with his. I just don't want Jadie to think she is playing and run up and grab the ball from his hands and bite or scratch him by accident. Lucas and I rolled the ball back and forth to each other tonight and he seemed to really dig it.

While we were at Wal-mart I also got Lucas a new treat to try. We got the idea from Lindsay and Ben. The baby toast seemed to be a little less messy then the biter biscuits (but I love that the biter biscuits come individually wrapped and can be tossed right into the diaper bag.) Well I am going to get into a hot shower and try to open up my sinus passages.
yeah a little less messy, remember zip lock bags are a mom's secret weapon for snacks.
Awww!!! I'm sorry you're sick! If I lived closer I'd totally come and hang out with your little cutie for the day while you stayed in bed. But then, you know, it might just be because he is SO CUTE that I'd want a good excuse. Heh.
My Sims had a baby girl... I'm wondering if this is a sign, since I gave my "Sim family" our last name and our first names... What do you think? lol
I remember the toast. I have even tried it. Its kind of like baby biscotti.
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