Today you experienced your first rain storm. According to the weather yesterday it was supposed to rain all day today. I knew you and I had to go to the grocery store so I decided to wait until your afternoon nap hoping that the rain would already pass. Well, it never rained in the morning. When you were awake from your (short) afternoon nap we headed out to the store.

When we got to the store the sun was shining and you were a little bit grumpy so I decided to let you ride in the front of the shopping cart for the first time. (I'm kicking myself for not taking the camera with us.) You looked so small and "grown up" sitting in front of the cart all buckled in. We were out of Cheerios so I took you down the cereal aisle (you go through a box about a week... Well you and Jadie.) As soon as you saw that bright yellow box you started "dancing" in your seat. When I put the box in the cart instead of opening it and handing you your baby crack you loudly grunted your disapproval. If at 8 1/2 months you can already recognize your favorite brand of cereal I am in trouble!!! No TV for you until you have a job! To get you happy again I just handed you the hotdogs and you happily played (meaning slobbered on) with the plastic wrapper. Oops...I'm sure the cashier got a nice slobbery surprise.

The minute I put the groceries on the check out belt it started to POUR outside. All I could think was "of course the one time you aren't in your car seat with your little shade to protect you, it rains." After paying we walked out the doors and just stood under the covering and looked at the car. A really nice bag boy offered to run to the car and get us the umbrella but I knew it was buried in the car and I knew I couldn't explain where it was. Another employee offered to stay with the cart while I made of run with it with you to the car and I took him up on it. I wrapped my arms around you and put your head under my chin and RAN as fast as I could. I wish I could see your face as I was running because it was such a strange new situation to you. When we got to the car and I bucked you in you were only the slightest bit wet and your little hair was sticking up all over the place. You looked so scared and started to cry. One day when you are older I promise to take you to play in the rain to show you that there is nothing to be scared of.

After you were safe and locked in your carseat I pulled the car to the front of the grocery store and the guy who was with our shopping cart had our bags in his hands. When I came to a stop he put the groceries in the car even though he got wet himself doing this. I kept thanking him over and over. He looked about 17 years old. I hope when you are a teenager you are as kind and compassionate to your friends as you are to strangers.

The rest of our day was not as exciting. You now have two bottom teeth. Every once in a while when you laugh really hard I am able to sneak a quick glance at them. Your hair is also started to grow back in and I'm so used to not having to brush your hair. When we are out running errands sometimes and I notice that you have hair sticking up all over the place I fight the very strong urge to lick my finger and smooth your hair down. Every day the urge grows stronger. I apologize beforehand for all of the times in the future I will use the magic of mom spit to smooth your hair or clean off a little dirt from your face.

The weather is getting warmer but I still can't resist putting you in footed sleepers. I love everything about putting you to sleep. When you get sleepy (before you get to the point where you are overly tired) you are very sweet and will let me snuggle with you for a few minutes. I can always tell when you are tired when I am holding you because you will lay your head on my shoulder and snuggle up under my chin. I always stand rocking you in my arms for a little bit before putting you in your crib and handing you your blanket person. I still put a rattle at each end of your crib and every single time when you wake up we hear you shaking away. The only time we don't hear your rattles is when we are sleeping so usually that is the only time you have to cry to get our attention. Since discovering the rattle trick you are in an even better mood each day (which I never thought was possible.)

Bugga-Bugga, I love you to the moon and back!
Oh I am so dying for some baby-in-the-buggy-seat pictures! Next time promise me you'll bring your camera!!!
I'm glad you guys had such a great day, and since reading your archives, it's nice to see how easy things are for you now that you've got a routine set up and in place... hopefully I will have the willpower to put a routine in place early on after the baby's arrival. Knowing me, though, I will be too busy smelling my baby's head while s/he is sleeping.
Mmm... baby-head.
Oh I've been waiting for teeth pictures. And I am glad I got to see Blanket buddy too.
Lisa loves the blankets HUH?
Lucas is getting so grown up, Ben sits in the cart with his big brother and loves it so much more than being in his seat.
Love the teeth!!!
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