When we first got to the mall there were moms and kids everywhere and I didn't want to go up to anyone and say "hey are you with the group?" I just sort of stood there while Lucas watched all the kids play. Right as I was about to turn and leave this woman came up to me and asked me if I was looking for the group and invited me to come sit down. In the end I was so glad I went. Everyone was so nice and even though most of the members weren't there (because of the weather) it ended up that most of the moms with babies Lucas' age showed up. We all headed to the food court and some people got lunch and I fed Lucas applesauce while we all talked. After lunch we split up and I ended up going to Old Navy (I didn't buy a single thing if you can believe that) with two moms and their 11 month and 7 month old babies. The mom with the 7th month old is really close to my age, she is breastfeeding as well and we even go to the same Pediatrician. It is so nice to have found such a great group of women. They have weekly meet-ups and I'm looking forward to next week.

After leaving the Oglethorpe Mall Lucas and I headed to the Savannah Mall because that is where Target is and I had three Target gift cards. Lucas has outgrown his 3-6 month clothes but the next size up in most brands (like Old Navy) is 6-12 months and is a little big on him still. Target sells 6-9 months that fit him perfect so I picked up two onsies and three sets of PJs. I just happened to walk by the clearance section in the baby aisle and found the cutest little Amy Cole Jacque in the Box and I couldn't resist it.

Not only did we have a great day we had a nice evening. Lucas LOVED playing peek-a-boo with his new toy. When he got tired of playing it he started going "ahhhh" and I would repeat back the sound he made and then he would change the way his voice sounded still saying "ahhhh" and I would repeat it back to him. Ten minutes later we were still playing our new "mockingbird" game and Curt was taking a turn as well and all three of us were just laughing away. Jadie and Lucas also bonded even more tonight. Normally Lucas is trying to grab a part of Jadie (paw, ear, tail) and pull to either see it closer or to try and eat it. Tonight though he just wanted to snuggle with her. When ever she was near him he would just lay his head up against her and he just looked so content. We all had the best time.
I have been reading your archives today, especially from when you started 'til when Lucas was born and - wow! You were born 30 days before me exactly (I'm January 30, 1982). It's so great to be able to go back and read all your posts and know what someone else my age is/was going through with the whole being pregnant, life changing thing. It kind of lets me know what to expect, and that is a god-send, I wish I could tell you how great it is that I found your blog at this point in my life.
And again... WOW! You should do professional photography, you get some AMAZING shots and I bet you could totally make a killing at it. Although, you are starting out with some VERY photogenic subjects ;)
I'm so glad you went. Sounds like it was worth getting out of the house for.
I am glad you didn't turn around and walk away. These mom's are going to be like your IVillage moms but better because you can actually meet them. Good for you!!
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