My sweet little baby boy, tomorrow you turn 9 months old. Your hair is just now growing back and you are starting to look like my little crazy haired baby again. Not even a year ago I was still pregnant with you and daydreaming constantly what you would look like and what it would feel like to hold you in my arms. It is like I blinked and boom here we are today and we are at your 3/4th birthday. I wish I could just keep you little forever. You are just so sweet and loving and I am your favorite person in the whole world (don't worry I tell your Daddy he is.) I just know the day will come when you tell me that you hate me for the first time just like I did (Sorry Mom and Dad.) I don't want to watch you get your heart broken or be left out when you and your first best friend grow apart. I don't want to watch you experience your first death of a friend or loved one. I just want to keep you small and tiny and my little baby forever. I know that is not possible and that if it was I would be missing out on all the good things you are are going to do. I can't wait for your first steps, or when you can read your first book, or when you get married, and have kids of your own (and yes, in that order please!)

Sorry I didn't take you out of the house today. Also, Sorry that you wore the same clothes for most of today that you wore yesterday. Mommy is sick and you were wonderful! I couldn't have asked for a better baby. You actually brightened up my mood. Every time I would cough you would copy me (I think you thought it was a game,) then you would laugh hysterically and repeat the whole process over. You were also really good for your Daddy. You love your Daddy to death but after him holding you for a while both of you usually get frustrated. Tonight though you sat in his lap and made the funniest faces. You seem to be in this whole "growling" phase lately and if you hear anything that sounds remotely like a "roar" you "growl" back. I think when you heard the sounds coming from Daddy's computer game you were thrilled.

Daddy also finished giving you your dinner tonight while I got your bath ready. You are the strangest kid when it comes to eating. You HATE baby food peas and green beans, and peas & carrots, but you love "mixed vegetables" which are peas, green beans and carrots. Sometimes I worry you don't get enough variety in your food. As far as baby food veggies you will only eat carrots, sweet potatoes, and squash (we tired the mixed veggies for the first time tonight). You will eat spinach off of our plates. The only fruit you really won't eat is peaches and that is only because you throw them up. You seemed to like peaches on the way down.

You also usually will eat anything if you see us eating it first. Since you napped during dinner I saved you a tiny bit of rice and a few peas to see if you would eat them. I figured you would HATE the peas but would at least like the rice. You made the funniest face I've ever seen you make when I gave you a few pieces of rice. You didn't cry you just made a face and spit it out of your mouth as fast as possible. You've had rice before when we went to a Mexican restaurant and liked it so maybe you didn't like this because you didn't see us actually eat any of it.

You love your bath so much I can't wait to take you swimming for the first time. Whenever I give you a bath you always return the favor and splash me. When I pour water over you to rinse you off you always try to grab at the water stream and try to catch it. You have never had a bath in the actual real bathtub because it is just easier to give you a bath in the sink where I don't have to bend over and try to wash you because you are VERY slippery. I just hope when it is time to move you to the real tub you aren't scared of it. I don't think you will be because a few times I have put your little bath tub in the big bath tub and you could care less.

On Friday we go to your 9 month well baby check up. I am excited and nervous to see how much you weigh. I just hope if there is anything said about your weight I won't get upset this time because I know you are well fed and happy. One plus side to you still being so tiny is that we can use all of your baby things that have a weight limitation longer than most babies can (like your swing) and we get extra wear out of your clothes. I know you are healthy and happy. Please though, if at all possible don't make any big diaper fills until AFTER your appointment! I think we might need every ounce we can get. If you can do that for me I'll be fine if you wait to say "Ma ma" until you are two.

Bugga Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,
Ma Ma
The picture of him and his dad on the computer is SO ADORABLE, especially considering our Sim conversations the last few days lol
When I was a kid, my parents had to mix the "desert" baby food with the "meal" baby food to get me to eat it... so maybe Lucas isn't so weird after all ;)
Happy 39 Weeks Birthday Lucas!
Sorry you were sick. I can't believe its been 39 weeks, its almost as many weeks as you were pregnant.
So what color do you think his hair is? Its hard to tell in pictures? Redish blonde? Browninsh Blonde or just Blonde.
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