Katie and Lucas
This morning when I went to get Lucas out of his crib he was in such a happy mood. I changed his diaper and he just kept smiling at me and started to babble and I heard him say "Ma" for the first time. I was so excited! I said "Ma Ma" back to him and he just looked up at me laughed and said "Da Da" with a BIG smile. The expression on his face was almost like "ha ha got ya mom!"
In the afternoon we went to my friend Katie's house for a cookout/ birthday party for Katie and Katie's boyfriend's Mom Sherry. The party was right smack in the middle of Lucas' nap time so I laid him down on Katie's bed and he was out like a light. It was nice to have a few more hours of adult time today. When we were leaving Katie and David walked us out and Lucas waved "bye-bye" for the first time. We haven't really taught him how to wave he was just copying Katie and David. He has such a cute little wave... which is more like this cute crazy flailing of his arm through the air.
Why isn't October getting here faster? I want one, darnit!
I especially love "baby-waves," where they get their whole arm and sometimes their whole upper-body going. You need a picture of this for me to covet ;)
Oh he is growing up so fast. He looks very happy being held by Katie. That is great that he is so friendly.
Happy Birthday Katie
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