We had a nice quiet Easter. I couldn't sleep for some reason early this morning so I got up at 2AM while the house was quiet and read the Easter story in the Bible. 3AM came before I even realized it and I finally went back to bed. Lucas woke us all up at 8 this morning. We got him up and dressed.

The Easter Bunny only came for Lucas. He must know that Curt and I hate peeps and cadbury eggs and that Jadie still has treats that Santa left her at Christmas that we forget to feed her.

The first thing Lucas grabbed for was his brand new Easter rabbit. He didn't care that if you pulled his tail he would hop... he just wanted to chew on his ears. He also got a little chick that chips, a green rubber duck, and a dog hooded towel and matching puppet.

When Curt mentioned he like Lucas' bunny towel (which is supposed to be a Puppy according to the tag) I decided to put it on Lucas to take a Easter picture in. I kept trying to take a picture of him sitting up in it but I guess the hood of the towel was so big it kept tipping him over.

After lunch Lucas was covered head to toe in Cheerios and banana slices (he fed himself.) When he saw me pull out his bath tub he started "dancing" in his high chair. He seemed to enjoy playing with his new rubber duckie.

For dinner Curt grilled steaks while I made corn on the cob and heated up baked beans (I had made pasta salad earlier.) I always enjoy when both of us make dinner together. Curt must have had fun using his grill because he's already planned on a few other things he wants to grill this week. I gave Lucas a few baked beans and he loved them so much he ate 5 forkfuls. I read him the Easter story in his Children's Bible that his Grandma bought him and then I dressed him in his brand new Old Navy Chick & Easter Egg PJ's so he could take a picture with Jadie before he went to bed.
AWW!!! I can't wait 'til next year and you'll be reading about my new one's first Easter! I'm so jealous - but at least you're doing it all first so I can learn the ropes by reading your site!
Happy Easter - I'm so glad you all had such a great day!
Sounds like you guys had a fun and relaxing day!
Too bad the Easter bunny didn't bring him a baby sized flat sheet or some other goodies
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