When we got to the Doctor's office you were weighed right away. I was a little nervous because usually the nurse says your weight out loud, but today she just wrote it down and motioned for us to follow her to a room. Just as we arrived at the door to the Pinocchio room, I got up the nerve to ask your weight... 14 & 1/2 lbs. That means you have gained 9 ounces this last month... which is the most you have ever put on at one time and in such a "short" amount of time! I was thrilled.

We saw the Pediatrician's assistant today and it went okay (she is alright I just love your actual Doctor so much more.) She said she was happy with your weight gain BUT she wishes it was more. I pointed out to her that 9 ounces was a BIG weight gain for you and she just flipped through your chart. Then she asked me if I was supplementing you with formula and if I was SURE you got enough when I nursed you and then asked about the solids you ate and if I was SURE you still weren't hungry after that. It sounded like she thinks I don't feed you enough... but I could care less. This lady has only seen you a handful of times and I'm your Mom. See I am getting the hang of this mom thing and not doubting myself as much.
They are still going to refer you to the neurologist... only they hadn't even tried to make the referral until today. I guess it was written in your chart last time by your Doctor but nobody actually did anything about it. I didn't call to follow up with them about it because they told me it would be a month before you could get in at least. By this rate you will be walking by the time you are seen (fine with me!) One thing I can say about the Pedi assistant today was she was honest. When I asked about what was going on with the referral she told me that they overlooked it and they dropped the ball and they would get right on it.
A few hours after we left the office I got a phone call from your Doctor's office saying that they made the referral and that they are also going to refer you to the Backus Children's Hospital as well for an evaluation until you can get into the neurologist. At this point I don't think that it is needed or that there is anything wrong with you, but we are going along because what can it hurt? Besides if there is even the tiniest little bit of a chance that there is anything wrong I would rather it be caught now then later on down the road.

After your appointment we met up with the Stay at Home Mom's group that I found a few weeks ago and we all had lunch at Barnes and Noble and sat around and talked about our babies. It is so cool to hang out with other moms and to watch you interact with other babies. I'm so glad I found that group. We left a little early to return a few things to the mall and then we came home so you could take a nap.
Tomorrow you are going on your first plane ride and you will be going all the way across the country to meet some more of your family. I hope that you are your same laid back easy going baby self. (Please!!!) We haven't even left yet and your Dad is a wreck saying that he doesn't want us to go and that he will miss us. He even said "you can go and just leave Lucas home with me!" I can understand... He has seen you everyday for the last 10 months and you have were part of our lives 9 months before that. He loves you so much! Tonight you guys played together and it was the greatest thing ever. You took the remote from him and then you would hold it out for him take and the second it touched the palm of your hand you would snatch it back... at first we thought that it was just a fluke... but you did it over and over again and we couldn't help laughing and then you were laughing with us and that only made us all laugh harder. You are changing from a sweet little baby into this bright little boy right before our eyes.
I'm sorry I was slack this week... it is only because I'm trying to make sure I have everything packed and ready to go... for when we leave for the airport at 5 something this morning. Please PLEASE sleep on the plane... so I can!
Bugga-Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,
He will do fine, we can't wait to see you~!!!
AWw!!! So glad everything went well with the doctor, I was (strangely enough) worried all day! I'm such a loser.
I feel for Curt - he's not only gonna miss his sweetie, but his baby too! At least he's got a hang of the whole "covering things in spaghetti sauce" thing so he won't starve to death ;)
I'll keep you guys in my thoughts, and I hope you have a BLAST visiting your family! In fact, I'm sure you will.
Safe Journeys!
Lucas you are a cute 44 week old!
Hope you guys are having fun in CA.
I am so excited that you and Lucas are here. He is such a happy guy. And boy, what a lady's man. How many guys can say that they had 4 girls all trying to keep him happy.
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