I have a ton to do before we leave Thursday morning. I just borrowed a suitcase today from Tony and Lori... so that means I haven't even started packing. Usually I start packing days if not weeks ahead of time so I am going a little crazy.
Tomorrow I have a very busy day! Lucas has his monthly checkup with his Doctor. I've been too busy to even worry about that... all I know is we better not end up in the Lion King Room!!! At least now he is crawling and gaining weight (I think.) Even though I know there is nothing "wrong" with him I know my stomach will be in knots tomorrow morning. I also have a few things to return and I need to swing by the grocery store to pick up some snacks for the plane. Oh yeah then there is the whole PACKING thing.
I'm just relieved that I will be staying with my uncle Jimmy and his family because his son Ben is only 2 months younger than Lucas and if I forget something I know they will have it (whatever "it" ends up being.) Also, they are nice enough to let Lucas use Ben's crib which is a HUGE relief because my kid is a little picky about how he sleeps.
I am REALLY excited about seeing my family. I haven't been to California since the Summer of 1999. While I am there my cousin Kristen is getting married and my cousin Tommy is graduating from high school. I'm just also excited just to SEE everyone. Lucas is going to meet the last set of Great Grandparents that he hasn't met yet (he has 13 living Grandparents!) I love living in GA but I do wish we lived closer to that side of the family, especially since my cousins Kristen, Davia, and Josh are my age. It would have been so cool to grow up with them (like Lucas gets to do with most of his... We miss you Angela and Company.)
I bet you are getting so excited.
I'll just focus on sending you crazy awesome good happy vibes all day tomorrow and for the next few days - the doctor's office will be fine, the store will have the snacks you want, the packing will be super-easy and you won't forget anything - I will send you these vibes :D
I am anxiously (yes, honestly) awaiting news about Lucas' doctor visit. I hope you didn't get stuck in the dreaded lion king room!
Until I hear, I'll just keep working on those good vibes I promised. :D
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