The Bad News- When I went in to check on him this morning he was COVERED in puke.
I am so glad that Curt has the day off today! We were able to double team the "puke incident!" He gave Lucas a bath while I striped his crib and then remade it with fresh sheets. I'm also very glad he sleeps on his stomach. He obviously puked in his sleep and kept on sleeping. If he had thrown up on his back I'm scared he might have choked on it. Now that he is all cleaned up it is scary to think about.
The only explanation I have is that he was exhausted from missing his afternoon nap and having so much fun at dinner last night that he just slept right on through throwing up. Even having poop in his diaper didn't wake him up (and he has NEVER slept through a poop diaper before.) I don't think he is sick, he is acting like his normal happy self... I think he might have had a little too much ice cream last night.
Lucas is now taking a nap in his clean crib and hugging his "back up" blanket person. When Lucas first got attached to his little lovie Lisa suggested I get another one and rotate them in case one was ever lost, or torn, or covered in a gross amount of puke! Hands down this is one of the best peices of parenting advice I have ever heard.
Note To Self: Find something the new baby likes and buy at least two. Got it.
Wow - that sounds like a lot of puke! I'm equally grateful on your behalf that your husband was around to help out. I've heard that babies will sometimes puke during the whole teething thing? Of course, you'd know more about this than I would, I'm just throwing out ideas. It could also be the ice cream ;)
It amazes me that you still got OMGOSH SO CUTE Pictures of the tyke IN a post about how much puke there was lol - clearly, YOU RULE.
Wishing you a happy, relaxed day w/ your two men - and no more puke.
That picture is after he was all cleaned up. I don't think you can tell from the picture but he has a little bit of a rash on his cheek... I think it might be from him laying in puke all night. See what you have to look forward to!
lol So much to look forward to *rubs her belly*
June 6th! We should find out gender!!!
(this topic is so funny because of yesterday)
I was just telling someone yesterday that I couldn't believe her child was going into middle school (Because I remember her being 3 and carrying around a GROSS brown rabbit or bear that was supposed to be LIGHT pink) I told her that I told my nephews mom to get two of the blankie guy and rotate him out(I even described the blankie guy to her) and she was like yeah I saw a second one once and didn't think to buy it. She says her little girl now in 6th grade still has the Brown thing and sleeps with it. Sorry about the puke thing. Sounds like he had ice cream belly!
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