Lucas was fine today so it really must have been the ice cream. Tonight we had dinner with Sam. Jason, Steven and Bruce.

Bruce is a lizard that we gave Steven yesterday as an early birthday present. We were going to keep him as a pet ourselves since Curt is such a reptile freak but every time Bruce would make a noise in his cage our dog Jadie would whine. After a week the whining was driving me crazy so Curt decided that a Bearded lizard was the perfect birthday present for a boy turning 8.

Yesterday, Steven thought the lizard was really cool but he was a little scared of him. Also yesterday, Bruce was named "Steve Lizard Dragon." Today Steve had a new cage and a new name and Steven was happily petting him. Bruce is so much better off with Steven. I don't think Curt and Bruce got a long for some reason. Bruce was always trying to bite Curt... even when all Curt was doing was giving him fresh food or cleaning his cage. Tonight Steven told Curt, "I don't think I can ever tell you thank you enough for giving me a lizard!"

Steven is a really great kid and an awesome cousin. He is always asking to hold Lucas and giving him hugs and kisses. He read to him tonight and pushed him around in his walker like a race car. Lucas was in heaven. Right before we left Steven even asked his mom "Can you have a baby like Lucas?"

Awww!! Cousins were such a big part - and are STILL such a big part - of my life growing up. It's awesome to see that Lucas is going to get those same benefits.
My baby won't have any cousins... not for a while, anyhow - but that's okay, all the second cousins and aunties and uncles and great aunties and great uncles are going to spoil the baby anyhow lol
i love the pictures...wish i could have been there.
We wish you could have been here too!
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