Today Lucas meet one of my oldest friends, Mrs. Shannon Ball. We met when I moved back to Savannah in 1991 and were both in Mrs. Waddington's 4th Grade Class. I really didn't know anyone and EVERYONE in my class had been going to school together since kindergarten. Shannon and I got paired up to do a project on pool safety and bonded over Barbies. In the middle of the school year Shannon moved away to Florida and I didn't see her again until she walked into my 7th grade Algebra class and we picked our friendship up right where we left off. Over the years we've drifted apart but no matter how much time passes whenever we get together it is like no time passed at all. She is in town for the weekend and Lucas got to meet her today at lunch.

Oh she looks like she hasn't changed a bit. I wonder if her mom will take her to my fav place this weekend. JK! I hope you have a great time visiting.
Ha ha!! She is doing that "argh I've had too many baby fingers in my mouth" pucker... classic.
Friends like that are always so special... you're lucky! - you seem to have a few that you can just pick up with from wherever you've been. :D
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