I know each week I gush about how much I love you and this week certainly isn't going to be any different. Tonight while you were feeding yourself your dinner while I ate mine I just looked over at you concentrating so hard on holding your toast in one hand while you shoveled banana and cheerios with the other and I couldn't help having one of those "aww look how far he has come and how much he has grown, I love him so much" moments. To sneak in a few more calories, this week you started eating hummus, butter, and yogurt (and you loved all of it.) I hope that you will continue to be a healthy eater and we are trying to be better role models.

We decided to stop buying junk food (by we I mean me) and reading the labels of everything that goes into the shopping cart. Your Dad isn't the very thrilled by this but I'm sure he'll get used to things like whole wheat pasta and no cookies, ice cream, or over processed foods in the house in no time... Or start going grocery shopping himself. We are going to start eating like we had to when I was pregnant with you. I'm not saying we won't ever have special treats... but we will keep them as special treats not an every day thing.

Today we went to the mall so you could hang out with Kit again. Some people at the mall thought you guys were twins. It is funny how much you two do look alike! It is so cool to watch you interact with her. I still have to wonder if you think she is the baby you see when you look in the mirror. You guys had fun touch each others hands and "roaring" back at each other. The next time we get together we should go to the park so you guys can roll around and really play together.

Oh, also you know those "special treats" I just mentioned... well we had one today. Dre and I got peanut buster parfaits from Dairy Queen and I gave you your first taste of whip cream and vanilla ice cream. Shhh, don't tell your Dad. I know if he would have tried to give you a taste of ice cream I would have probably lectured him about how you shouldn't have milk or other dairy products until you are one... but for some reason when I do it, it is okay. Well, you sure didn't seem to mind either.

I am so thankful that you love to get out of the house and you don't mind going shopping with me as long as we keep moving or I have something to distract you with. The only thing about running errands with you is you REFUSE to go to sleep in your stroller. I guess you are worried you are going to miss something. Luckily though, as long as you have something interesting to look at you usually won't get fussy.

Today you missed both of your naps but you didn't act like you minded much. When we got home of course you went down for a nap and slept for a little over three hours. You just combined your two missed naps into one. Also, your bedtime wasn't that messed up. I put you to bed at 9PM instead of 8. I'm sorry if this letter isn't as long as usual but I need to get to bed too. Tomorrow you are going to get to meet one of my oldest friends who is in town from Texas. You are also going to be hanging out with your Dad while us girls go to dinner. Please go easy on him, and remember keep the ice cream thing between us.

Bugga-Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,
Ma Ma
Wow 40 weeks. Kit is a very very cute baby. I'm glad he has a friend, to hang out with.
Those two do look like twins!!
I think, as the mother, you must have good instincts about what's "safe" for the baby (ie: ice cream and whipped cream) and Daddy might not have these instincts, so it's okay for you to feed him stuff you wouldn't let Curt feed him...
Or, at least, it's a good way to justify it ;)
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