I still haven't heard anything from my friend who stood me up yesterday. I must admit it is very hard to write about that situation and not mention the person's name or if my friend is a She or a He. I'm not as much mad as I am annoyed. I just HATE not knowing what is going on in situations like that. Oh well, there is nothing I can do. I didn't let it ruin my weekend though.
Today Lucas and I had a play date with my friend Crystal and her son Nick. It was the first time that Lucas and Nick got to hang out together outside of our bellies. It was really fun and always nice to talk about babies with someone who also wants to talk about babies. I forgot to take any pictures but Crystal did and I am hoping she will get a chance to email them to me soon. We stayed for a few hours and then Lucas was ready to GO because he was very tired. He kept waving "bye" at Crystal and being really fussy. It was like he was telling us "Okay it has been fun but I'm ready to go now!" As soon as we pulled out of the apartment complex I looked back at Lucas to make sure the sun wasn't in his eyes and he was knocked out.
When we got home Curt and I just hung out together. We are such dorks and have a new game teasing each other. We'll say things like "Oh there is this movie about you called Dumb and Dumber" and then the other person will answer back with "yeah but there is a song about you called No Scrubs" and before we know it we are cracking up laughing and can hardly speak. Maybe it is one of those "you had to be there things." Lucas happily sat in his walker laughing along with us.

Ooh! He's starting to look like a toddler! That last picture on today's post was totally little-boy-ish.
I shouldn't say that. You'll want to slap me.
Can't wait for my baby *sigh*
Cute pictures! Sorry about your freind. At least you got to see Nick and his mom. That had to be really fun. There aren't may people who still get to hang out with freinds from their Freshman year in High School. That is pretty cool.
Lisa you are right! Oh and Crystal and I have been friends since 6th grade in middle school :)
LOL I thought it was middle school and had written that, then I thought Hey I think I'm wrong. Anyways that is pretty neat.
You know Ted was in a wedding (At the bamboo farms of all places)of someone that he rode the bus with back in 2nd or 3rd grade and they caught back up with each other when they were 19. He also talks to Dan and Jeff like every other day. (They met sophmore year I think)
I didn't know the friend with the Bamboo Farms wedding went back to elm. school. That is really neat. I still talk to one of my friends from 1st grade too, Jennifer. We were in the same 1st grade class, lived on the same street, and took dance lessons together.
Oh yeah and remember Crystal was the one that would never go to the Graveyard with us
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