Originally I was supposed to have plans today with a certain friend of mine and as of lunch time our plans were still on but when I tried to call this friend back several times my friend just blew me off and never picked of the phone, emailed, or text messaged me so much as I "sorry we have to cancel." So I sat around all day at the house just waiting for my friend to call me back (it is now almost 11 PM and I still haven't heard a peep from my friend.) Notice I'm not mentioning any names? Even though I am a little miffed at said friend, I don't want my friend to think I am writing mean things about my friend online... even though right now I want to.
A little after lunchtime tired of waiting for my friend to call me and tired from getting up before 4AM I decided to take a nap. When I went to bed Curt was home in the living room watching TV (I knew he was leaving around 3 to go to his Grandpa's house) so I didn't bother turning the baby monitor on. Well I woke up around 3:30 and realized I had been sleeping for quite a while. I walked out in the living room and Curt was gone, Lucas was crying in his room, and Curt's cell phone was sitting on the table by the door. I have no idea how long Lucas was awake and crying. I hope Curt really didn't leave until 3 or a little after.
I tried to call my friend several more times, calling my friend's cell, home, and significant other's phone (which my friend told me to do when I couldn't get a hold of them) and nobody answered. Frustrated from being in the house all day, Lucas and I tagged along with my Mom, Sister, and Grandma when they went to Sams. I ended up taking Lori home afterwards and she invited me to stay for dinner. After dinner Lucas had fun playing with "another baby":

Oh and Lucas clapped for the first time today... I was changing his diaper and said "Yeah we are all done!" and he just smiled and clapped his hands together!
I hate when friends don't actually cancel, they just brush you off - nothing worse than spending the entire day at home wondering what's going on but not wanting to leave so it doesn't seem like YOU were the one to do the brushing off. Blah.
It's so cute that Lucas is starting to figure out how things work w/ his body and around him - the hands clapping thing has always been one of my favorite "baby discoveries".
HA HA HA yes BUT I canceled AND I had a good reason... I didn't blow you off :-P
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