So I just got back from the grocery store and I had an embarrassing moment while I was checking out at the grocery store!
While the cashier was ringing me up I looked in my purse for my wallet so that I would be ready to pay when she is done... Only I can't find it!!! I start mildly freaking out thinking I must have left it in Lucas' diaper bag when we were running errands yesterday (which was at the house) So, I tell the cashier that I don't have my wallet and could she please set the groceries aside that I will be right back. So she calls the manager over for the key so she can cancel my order (she was REALLY nice about it) when I realize I was HOLDING MY WALLET IN MY HAND ALREADY!!!!
The cashier just smiled and finished ringing me up but I'm sure she was thinking to herself "wow and she's raising a child?!?!?!" :)
lol this is classic!
I'm already having moments like this, but I'm not showing yet, so everyone just thinks I'm retarded -but I bet quite a few will be thinking "Wow, SHE'S having a BABY?!" once it's more obvious.
At least you got more Cheerios ;)
I went to the grocery store unloaded the children and Curtis said "Mommy,how comes I have to where shorts and you don't" enough said. I reloaded children and whent home to put shorts on under long tunic.
I have done that with my car keys. It is terrible, but funny!
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