Lucas' new favorite thing is to play tug of war with Jadie. He will find Jadie's orange (no longer) stuffed bone and crawl to where she is and hold his arm holding the toy out for her to grab. Jadie, who has been taught NOT to take things from Lucas will look over for either mine or Curt's approval before she will grab a hold of one end of the toy and start pulling. The minute that Jadie starts pulling back Lucas is all smiles and giggles. It is amazing how long he can hold on for. One of these days I'll capture them playing on video (it is hard to do since the moment they see the camera they both stop what they are doing and Jadie sits for her picture while Lucas crawls forward to try and grab the camera.

I think Lucas is teething again because he is starting to be a little (ok a lot) clingy at bed time and wakes up a million times. I am also getting a lot less sleep because of this and I think I might soon need toothpicks to hold my eyelids open. To calm him down before bedtime tonight we went and took a walk outside and he waved "hello" to all the neighborhood cats. I also keep forgetting to mention that he hasn't had jarred baby food in a while. The last two nights he has been eating what we eat for dinner (like black eye peas and rice) and feeding himself. It is so nice to really sit down and have dinner together as a family.
Lisa are black eyed peas "beans, beans, beans?"
Yes YES YES!!!!! And I was with a mom of 8 mth twins this week and she said they were getting clingy. We were all thinking this might be an age when that starts up again. So his teeth thing could be that too. But who knows I'm sure you have him figured out, and teeth come in at this time too.
twins??? WOW! Oh yeah I forgot about the whole seperation anxiety thing... maybe it is a combo of the two, we can see white spots right under his gums on the top. Maybe we will have a Lucas vampire soon. He has already biten me twice... OUCH!
Yes twins and she has a two year old also. Plus she just moved in with relatives because her husband lost his job. She has it really bad now!!!! I guess I shouldn't complain about anything. She is really calm and sweet though. She is handling it well.
Clearly I have much to look forward to.
I think the tug-of-war thing is adorable and can't wait for you to be able to capture it on video. I think it's equally cute that they both stop what they're doing when you take the camera out, though lol
Best of luck w/ that lack of sleep thing.
Lucas looks a bit like his cousin Colby in the second photo?
not that you mention it he does.
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