When I first heard "I Can Love you Better," I was sorting socks (when I had to sort and fold laundry growing up I loved to have the country music channel on.) I was just in awe of their sound and their look. I bought the "Wide Open Spaces" album as soon as it came out a few months later and I was hooked. If I found a picture of them in a magazine I would rip it out and tape it to my bedroom wall. If you rode in my 1984 Honda Accord with me chances are you would hear "the Chicks" blaring from the radio. My nephew Matthew and I even had a joke about his next door neighbor who thought she resembled one of the Dixie Chicks, so we would refer to them as the Apartment Neighbors. Songs like "You were Mine" and "Once You Loved Somebody" got me through my first real broken heart when I was 17.

In 2000 their album Fly came out and of course I bought it right away. I remember listening to their song "Cowboy Take me Away" over and over and thinking that was how I wanted to feel about the man I would marry one day. Again I played their album over and over, especially when I was driving.

The first Christmas present Curt bought for me after we were married was their album "Home" and I remember hearing "Godspeed" and thinking that I couldn't wait to have children so I could play that song for them. I was a little sad because it was written about a little boy and I just KNEW I was going to have a daughter. I also loved "Top of the World" from that CD.

Then in 2003 I remember in the middle of the start of the start of the invasion of Iraq hearing that during a concert in London,Natalie (my favorite chick) said ""Just so you know, we're ashamed the President of the United States is from Texas." At first I was a little angry that they would attack their own President, especially overseas like that. I wasn't sure if I would listen to them anymore or not. I couldn't however, believe the backlash against them. I remember seeing CD burning parties on the news... and then I realized that one of the reasons that our country is so great is because we have the right to free speech. No matter if I agreed or disagreed with what was said in many ways I grew up on their music. Also, I know sometimes people don't always agree with what I say or what I do so how could I hold them to a higher standard.
I started this blog a little over a year ago while I was pregnant. I thought about the name for a long time and decided to name it after one of the Dixie Chick's songs. I "rediscovered" the Dixie Chicks while I was pregnant. I would have the hardest time getting to sleep at night because of the thoughts that were swimming in my head concerning my pregnancy. The only way I could ever seem to get to sleep was by laying in bed next to Curt listening to their music on my portable CD player. Something about their music soothed and relaxed me so I could drift off to sleep. Lucas has also been somewhat of a Dixie Chicks fan all along. When I started to feel him moving I would place the headphones on my belly and let him listen. He always responded the most to "Godspeed." After he was born I forgot all about how much he seemed to like the song. One day he was crying and I just happened to have music playing on shuffle and "Godspeed" came on and he instantly got quiet and soon fell asleep.

Now their new album "Taking the Long Road" was just released and since I have itunes I was able to download it right at midnight without even having to leave the house. I have only listened to three songs so far and I have loved each one. I'm so glad to have my Chicks back.
You know as much as i think as myself as a republican and as much as i like ole bushy boy. I dont think that peoples action make there music bad and that is the same with garth brooks SURE he cheats on his wife and he supports gay rights BUT his music is still the same AND like you said that the best part of being an american we can say what we want.
Music sure can do some amazing things to us...
It never ceases to amaze me.
Kari, I knew you had great taste! I got the new cd today and it is fabulous. I am going to blog about it in the next few days. Cali huh? Have fun! i know you are excited!
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