Drinking coffee makes me feel like a real adult. Growing up I always watched my Dad drink Coffee in the morning and he would drink it black. I love going down the coffee aisle... especially if it is a store with a machine to grind the beans right there in the aisle. The smell of fresh coffee always reminds me of my Dad. For a while he used to grind his own beans.... now he uses the single packs that look like tea bags. Now that I am thinking about it I don't think I've ever had a cup of coffee with my Dad.
My dad had a particular coffee mug that he drank his coffee out of every morning. My mom still has it. I guess it is about 40 years old, or older, and whenever I see it I always picture him with that mug in his hand.
You should take your dad out to coffee sometime - you and Lucas and Grandpa :D
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