You are getting so close to being 52 weeks old!!! At first I was really sad when I realized how fast the weeks were adding up and how quickly you would go from baby to toddler. Sometimes I would literally cry just thinking about it. Going to California though and staying with Ean made me realize how much I have to look forward to. It also made me remember that I'm not really a baby person... that before I had you that I adored toddlers. Sure I'll miss your babyhood but there are so many things to look forward to.

That being said I've decided to really enjoy these last few weeks of your babyhood. I want to take you out more and watch you discover more of the world around you. Today our Mom's group met at a museum downtown and I realized that I have never taken you downtown to just enjoy being outside and people watch. We've been going to the mall too much to people watch when we have such beautiful places to go downtown. You also haven't even been to the beach yet! One of the things I want to do is take you to the Johnson Square for a picnic to listen to the outdoor concerts. Your Grandpa used to take me and Lori during the summers and it is one of my favorite father daughter memories I have from my childhood.

The free exhibit was a Mandala Sand Painting done by the Monks of Drepung Loseling Monastery. You just loved watching everything that was going on. The Mandala is a sand painting that is supposed to "purify your negativity." (Hmm maybe it did since you didn't bite me anymore today after we went and saw them working on it.) The specific design that they were doing today was a "Medicine Buddha Mandala" which is supposed to promote healing. The whole thing was really amazing to watch.

You were just as happy with me holding you up to watch the Monks work as you were just sitting in your stroller and watching everything that went on. You really love to people watch and so do I. I was really surprised to look at the Monks' feet and see them wearing brown socks and dress shoes. I was also surprised that you kept your socks on all day long. Lately you have been in this mood where you act like by putting clothes on you I am killing you. You used to help me pull shirts over your head or hold up your legs so I could put pants on you... now you try to pull everything off. Once you are dressed you are usually fine but it is the in between stage that you protest!

Being the resourceful Mom that I am I have a new trick for getting you to cooperate during diaper changes and getting you dressed. The days of you flipping and flopping all over the changing table are over (at least for now.) On the way to change your diaper or get you dressed I will pause at the magnetic stop sign on your door and let you pull off one magnet to hold and look at and this for some reason keeps you busy. When we are all done we still the magnet back on the stop sign and go about our business. This is working so well that now you actually look forward to getting a diaper change. When we walk up to the sign you can barely contain your excitement long enough to pick out a magnet to play with.

This week you've also started to eat more grown up foods. Every night this week you have eaten "table food for dinner." Last night you had Cornbread and Chili mixed with rice. Tonight you had Grilled chicken and fresh tomatoes (with cheerios on the side of course.) I think you are really enjoying all the new tastes and textures. You are still eating baby food but mainly now the only reason is because we still have jars of it left. I think pretty soon you'll be eating your last jar of baby food. You are so funny when you pick up something new you will look at it, squish it in your hand, taste it, spit it out, and then taste it again.

Next week we will be going to the Children's hospital so that someone can watch you eat to make sure you do it properly. I know it doesn't sound all that exciting but maybe after we go the Doctors will realize there is nothing wrong with the way you eat and that you are just a petite baby.
Bugga-Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,
MaMa (which you still aren't saying by the way... not that I'm keeping track or anything)
I can never get over how gorgeous your son is - I hope my daughter is half as perfect when she's born... of course, as her mom, I'm sure I'll be smitten and biased regardless, but you know what I mean.
I love reading your blog 'cause it gives me a taste of what's coming - I guess kind of like seeing the toddlers in your circle of family and friends must be for you - and it really makes my day. I think the weekly letters are about my fave.
O happy 46 weeks Lucas!
So cute! You know, my office building is on Johnson Square...and every M-TH I eat lunch.........Do I see cute babies in my future?
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