We have almost been away from home for a week. You haven't really seen your Daddy or your "Day-Dee" since you went to bed last Wednesday and with all things considered you have held up remarkably well. Sure, you haven't been sleeping the best this past week but with the three hour time change there is no way I could have expected to keep you on schedule. You are not even a year old yet and you have already made a trip all the way across country. There are adults I know who have never even left the state they were born in.

I know I have complained a little bit about how bad you have been sleeping. This week for the first time since you were about 3 or 4 months old we've been sleeping together. While it was a pain in the butt at first I've secretly been enjoying it. I've really loved watching you sleep and having you cuddled up next to me. However, I know it can't last and once we get back home you will go back to sleeping in your own room and I will be happy about that too. It just has been really nice to get to enjoy your closeness.

As of this past week you have met pretty much all of the rest of our family. You have now met every single one of your Grandparents (including the Greats) and all my Dad's siblings or "the Moore boys." One day I really hope you can come to California with your Grandpa Dan. Growing up I always enjoyed trips to California with him because he would tell us stories about going camping in the mountains, or what life was like "back in the day" and the kinds of trouble he would get into to. I want you to see all the "Moore Boys" together especially since you are part "Moore Boy." I was just so glad everyone got to meet you this week.

I can't wait to go home so your Daddy can see how much you have grown. You no longer hate to stand up and will even pull yourself into standing position just by grabbing a hold of my shirt and pulling yourself up. You will also jump up and down now. Everyone kept saying "oh he will be walking pretty soon," and I would just smile and nod but this small part of me is still worried that there might be something wrong after all even though I see you with my own eyes standing and loving it.

This week you've become quite the little piglet! You've been eating double the amount of food you usually do. Also, anyone that tries to eat something in front of you without offering to share with you is going to "hear all about it!" It doesn't matter if you just finished eating or not. If there is food being eaten somewhere then it better be being eaten by you too!

Today we went to the Zoo and I had the best time. I'm not sure if you really cared about feeding a Giraffe or having your picture taken next to a Great horned owl but you loved being outside. I really enjoyed going to the Zoo with you because I was showing you animals you had never seen before. "Lucas look at the brown bear, ohh look over there... it is a Zebra!" Just being with you gave me this whole new perspective because it was your first time ever going to the zoo and it was my first time ever getting to take you.

I'm a little nervous about the plane ride home so it would be really great if you could spend a huge chunk or it sleeping. Please let me enjoy a few more hours watching you sleep. Also, if you could be in a good mood when you see your Daddy that would be great. I know he has missed you terribly and I think it might hurt him a little if when you saw him again you acted like he was a stranger.

Bugga-Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,
YAY! The comments are working again!!!
I love your weekly letters, they are the bestest. And I'm sure Lucas will be his normal wonderful self on the plane and I'm sure he will greet Daddy with a big baby-grin and all will be well.
Hope the rest of your vacation goes well!!
We miss you already, or did I say that earlier?
I especially love the one w/ the giraffe the goats... I've got a soft spot for goats.
So glad you had an awesome time, but kind of glad you're home now 'cause you'll probably post every day once you get back on schedule. See?? SEE how selfish I am!? I am going to be the WORST! mom! lol
That giraffe picture is too cool. Love the top one of him w/the teddy bear on his PJs (and all the ones in the middle, too).
Glad y'all got to spend time w/your family & had a good trip (and that you're back, smile)
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