Dear Jim, Lindsay, Tom, Ean, and Ben,
Thank you guys so much for making me feel welcome in your home and making me feel like a real "Moore Boy!"
Ben, thanks for letting me sleep in your crib and play with your toys. Thanks for understanding when I stole you spoon, plug, and bottle.
Ean, thanks for sharing your room with me and letting me play with your toys. Thanks for giving me Cheerios when I was upset in the car.
Tom, thanks for making me laugh and going with us on a wagon ride.
Great-Aunt Lindsay, thanks for taking us to the zoo!! I had the best time (and so did my mom!)
Jim, thanks for singing me silly songs and giving me a silly nickname!
I miss you guys already!
Love you,
Lucas or Lushus or Lucas Pukas full of Mucus
AWWW!!! Your little guy is so polite already ;)
And seriously - cuteness must run in your family or something - all the kids you put pics up of are ADORABLE!
You are sssssoooooooooo very welcome Lushus, we had a wonderful time with you and your mom and it really made us miss not seeing you on a regular basis.
If you can talk your mom and dad into moving here we would take very good care of you and them and you have tons of fun playing with your cousins.
You are a wonderful baby and thank you for being a good boy and not throwing up on anything.
We love you lots!!!
PS- Ean misses you and your mom lot already!
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