You are now 11 months old at almost at the end of your babyhood. This is going to be a bittersweet month for sure! Today you had your eleven month checkup and really all I need to tell you about it is we were in the pinocchio room!!!! You are 15 lbs and 11 ounces. That means you gained over a pound in a month! That is the quickest you have ever gained weight and the most weight you have gained at one time! Way to Grow! Even before Dr. Ramos looked at your weight he said he could tell just by looking at you that you had put on weight. I think that it is pretty cool he remembers you without having to look at your chart with the numbers of little kids he sees! Also Jen, the nurse that weighed you and sent us to the pinocchio room remembers your name just by looking at you! Dr. Ramos said you were doing wonderful and that he would see you at 1 year. I asked him if you needed the physical therapy sessions and he said that you didn't but that since we were already signed up that there wouldn't be any harm to going.

After your appointment we had a Mommy group meetup. Today we went to one of the other's Mom's houses for a baby pool party. You had fun hanging out with all the other babies and being able to crawl up to them and wave hi and "talk to them." This all changed though when it was time to hit the pool. I don't know what it is about kiddie pools and bath tubs but you HATE them! All of the other little babies (most of them younger than you) were happy to just hang out in the water. You would be ok for a few seconds and then you would start to fuss. Now that I think about it one reason could just be you were ready for your nap because you missed it going to your checkup. You seem to really like swimming in a real pool as long as you are being held. This is a good thing since we are planning on having a pool party for your first birthday. I guess I better start planning that since your birthday is LESS THAN A MONTH AWAY!

Between all the appointments and Lori and Tony's wedding renewal festivities this past weekend you have logged quite a bit of time in your carseat, but you've been taking everything in stride. You actually seem to be just as happy on the go as you do relaxing at home. You don't mind being put in your carseat as long as we are going somewhere. If I set you in your car seat you are not happy until I pick you up and head out the door.

When you play with things now you seem to be studying everything and trying to figure out exactly how things work. You get this “serious” look on your face as you investigate how things work. Sometimes you will even stick out your tongue a little, I guess this helps you concentrate! Also, as always you are using your feet to help you explore the world around you. One other cool thing you have started to do is you crawl up to me, your dad, or Jadie and just give us this hug where you wrap your arms around a part of our body and just lay your head against us for a few seconds. Sometimes you follow it with a slobbery sweet baby kiss, but usually you just go crawl away and continue on your explorations.

FINALLY you are back on East Coast time! You are back to your normal schedule of waking up around 7:00 to nurse, eat breakfast, and get a clean diaper on then it is back to bed for a little bit longer.. Most of the time you will play for a little bit before heading back to bed. Then is it lunch time, play time (or go out of the house time) then naptime. Usually by the time you are up from your afternoon nap your Daddy is home and you are always glad to see him. You usually don’t even want a snack until you have played with your Dad for a bit. You either play with your Dad or sit in your high chair and munch on something while I make dinner, then we all sit down and eat as a family. Depending on how dirty you are you will get a bath and then it is time to play until you start to get sleepy. Bedtime is usually around 8 PM. I usually don’t see you again until the next morning and it is a brand new day!
Bugga-Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,
1 comment:
I'm so glad the doc's appointment went well. Huzzah for the Pinocchio room! Huzzah for gaining weight! Huzzah for cool doctors who remember people by name!!
You'll just have to picture me, with my growing preggo-belly, doing a happy dance snoopy-style on yours and Lucas' and Curt's behalf ;)
Oh, and am I invited to the birthday bash/pool party? It's SO hard to get into a pool around here *sigh*
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