My married sister's wedding is next week so as her Maid of Honor (I don't like the way Matron of Honor sounds) I threw her an Un-bachlorette Party tonight. Since you did things backwards and got married before having her big wedding that was the theme for the night. Everyone met at Lori's house for Dessert and to mingle and then we headed out to dinner. The main purpose for going out to dinner was so 1) I wouldn't have to cook and 2) so I could make Lori wear the whole fake veil, ring, and garter out in public. After dinner everyone went back to Lori's apartment and played scene it. We were supposed to have appetizers then but everyone was already full from dessert and dinner.

I really enjoyed Lori's party and I hope she did too. Our Mom and Grandma met us at the restaurant and it was nice they were there to have dinner. My mom took the group pictures and had us all cracking up when she yelled out "Sex and Ice Cream," which is something I wouldn't expect her to say. She did follow it up with "but only for the married ones!" My sister then yelled out "That's right, No ice cream if you aren't married!"

I was glad that most of Lori's friends that were invited were able to make it especially Shannon and Doris. We've known Shannon and Doris almost as long as we have lived in Savannah. They moved here a few months after we did. We all went to the same elementary school. Lori and Doris were in 1st Grade and Shannon and I were in the same 4th Grade Class. We all grew up together and they are more like our sisters then just our friends.

An Un-Bachelorette party, eh? I might have to arrange something like that for myself... since I got married without the big showy wedding and never had the party part.
Might wanna wait 'til I can drink again, though - what do you think? ;)
The funny thing was nobody ended up drinking anything even though there was cold beer and Champagne at my sisters house. We intended to... at least for a toast but never got around to it. She only posed with the giant blow up bottle.
It looked like you threw a great party!!! The backward theme sounds fun.
Thanks so much, Kari. I really enoyed it a lot!
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