I thought I would explain the blogs and links that I check everyday when I am "Wasting Time" (even though I don't think it is quite a waste.)
My eBay Auctions - This is just on there so I have an easy way to check out how my auctions are doing and to see if I have any new feedback. I hope to hit 1000 feedbacks soon!!!
MomSquawk - This is my "baby board" where I go to ask other moms questions and this is how I met Lucas' friend Kit and her Mom Dre.
FREE JEWELRY -This site is fun to look at and every once in a while I order a cute piece of jewelry and it really is FREE (except for shipping)
Help Lucas go to College -I don't really check this everyday but Upromise lets you save for college based on what you buy with your shopper cards (like Kroger) It also lets me accumulate points from friends and family... so please sign up.
Healthy Living -I don't usually check this everyday either but it suggests easy daily exercises and healthy meals and recipes.
My MySpace -I really do waste time here. I love to look up old friends from high school here!
My Previous Journal -I am slowly moving my old journal entries from here and adding them to this site. I started keeping this journal while I was pregnant.
Our Lucas Video Clips -This is our library of clips of Lucas. It is fun to click on it and see how he has grown and see how many people have viewed each one. (It also reminds me that we need a camera that takes video clips WITH sound!!!)
Moore clips of Lucas -These are clips that Lucas' aunt Lisa posted of Lucas as a newborn.
Sunday Morning -Brandi is one of those people you would really like to hate (except that she is such a wonderful person inside and out) because she is beautiful, funny, AND intelligent. Okay that is supposed to be a compliment even thought it might not sound like it! Brandi helped keep me sane while I was pregnant with almost weekly lunch dates and always listening to all my pre-baby worries (and of course they have only grown since Lucas was born) She is such an eloquent writer.
Breathable Air -I have never met Alicia in person but if I did I think we would really get along. I found Alicia's blog through Brandi's. Her blog really cracks me up and she is really endearing and I know she will be an amazing teacher.
Dooce -This blog always cheers me up because it is so funny! It is a very honest often blunt blog of a mom, wife and dog owner. I can really relate to her on so many levels.
Essential Outlet -Andrea is another person that I have never met in person. We have really bonded over talking about all the ups and downs of pregnancy. I can't wait to see pictures of her soon to be born baby girl Zoe. She is also a wonderful writer. I love reading about the little details of her everyday life... and she calls bathrooms "washrooms" which always makes me smile.
Lisa Moore -Lisa is my sister-in-law (married to my brother) and also my friend. She and my brother were the first people to know that I was pregnant and she was the one that answered my millions of pregnancy/baby questions. Since their family is so busy with life with three boys it is nice to be able to catch up with them and see pictures of them here.
Tommy Moore -Tommy is one of my cousins that lives in California. He just graduated from high school and moved to Oregon. Growing up he would spend part of his summers visiting us in GA (he was here to see me get married)
Lindsay Moore - Lindsay is married to my Uncle Jimmy (my Dad's brother and my cousin Tommy's Dad) and I have become really close to her (both from reading her blog and staying with them for a week) This is where Lucas and I get out EEEE and Bender fix.
Margie Charles -My Aunt Margie is my Dad's brother. She doesn't get a chance to post very often but it is nice to read about what is going on with my family across the country.
Kristen Ramos -Kris is my cousin and Margie's daughter. She just got married and Lucas and I got to be there to see it. I wish we lived closer to each other since we are the same age. She is the newest blogger on my list and I look forward to reading about her new marriage and future babies.
Lori Alvarez -Lori is my baby sister. She is married and in college. Lately Lori has been more like the big sister because she is one of the first people I call when I am upset and she will always listen to my problems and gives pretty good advice. I can't wait until she has babies (I mean I can... but you know what I mean)
Michael Hampton -Mike is my brother-in-law (Curt's brother) He is really hard on himself sometimes. He is such an amazing person and quit smoking 5 months ago and is a real inspiration to start working out because he is doing so awesome on his diet.
Angela Reipold - Angela is my Sister-in-law (Curt's sister) She is pregnant with her third child (our second niece) and lives all the way in Arizona. We miss her and her family a lot and it is nice to be able to see pictures of our niece Kaliegh and nephew Hunter.
Wow... I think I might have to check out some of the blogs!!! You know... when it's not 3am and I'm not supposed to be sleeping.
Thanks for mentioning me, even though I'm all paranoid now that someone will *gasp* read my site!! HORRORS! And yes, we've totally bonded 'cause YOU RULE and omigosh how I wish you lived down the block and not aproximately 9million miles away. :( (in fact, my husband is constantly commenting "man, it's unfortunate that Kari doesn't live down the block! You two really seem to get along!")
THat was the sweetest comment! I needed it this week - THANK YOU!
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