Today was the day you had to show off your eating skills and even though you weren't the best eater yesterday you pulled out all the stops today. You enthusiastically ate your Yobaby yogurt, shoveled in your cheerios and scarfed down your banana. You also showed off how you drink from a sippy cup all by yourself. All three of the people observing you were very impressed and they all agreed that you were the cutest baby EVER and that that you don't even have the slightest hint of a problem eating. They also told me that I am doing everything right, which is so nice to finally hear from a health care professional. I am so thankful that your teeth weren't bothering you today and FINALLY someone (outside of our family and friends) believes me that you eat all the time and there is nothing wrong with the way you eat! WOO HOO! We go for your monthly checkup next wednesday.

After your appointment we headed to the mall for our SAHM (Stay at Home Moms) meet-up. You were so tired from being up since 7:30 AM you just passed out in your stroller. I can count the number of times you have fallen asleep in the stroller on one hand. It was nice to just sit and enjoy talking to the other Moms. Before we realized it four hours passed (of course you didn't sleep the whole time, you woke up, ate lunch, and shared your Cheerios with a baby girl.) Having you has really opened up my social circle.

Your favorite toys these days are ones that you can open and close. After you are have eaten you spend the time in between laps crawling all over the place looking for things that can be opened and close. You push your bedroom door trying to close it and then you open and close the door on Jadie's kennel. Tonight I left you with your Daddy while I went to your Aunt Lori's for a Mary Kay party for her wedding. I didn't get any calls from your Daddy saying "he won't stop crying, when are you coming home?!?!" so I know you spent the night happily open and closing things together.

Jadie is slowly starting to forgive you for leaving her for a week to go to California. Up until tonight she flat out refused to play with you. Every day since we got back you would try to get her to play by rolling her ball to her or waving around one of her other toys and she would just walk by you and lay down. Last night you actually got frustrated and started to cry when she wouldn't come get her ball from you. It really broke my heart because I couldn't make her play with you. I don't know why she finally forgave you but I am glad that she did (and so are you!!!)

You have stopped biting me while nursing!!! I think a big part of you biting was that you were teething and you were trying to figure out what those things were popping out from your top gum! Now if only I could get you from crawling away as soon as I take a dirty diaper off you. As soon as your little baby tush achieves nakedness you are off!!! Usually you are pretty good with getting your diaper chanced on your changing table (especially since we came up with the magnet system) but every once in a while we will change you in the floor and you have become quite the escape artist.

Bugga-Bugga, thanks for another great week! I love you to the moon and back!
Ma Ma
Oh, I am so glad to hear that the eating thing went well - I was getting anxious on your behalf for half the day (I am SUCH A DORK, and I know it) and I'm glad that the silly health professionals finally saw what you'd known all along!!!
I'm also glad he stopped biting you, and I'm glad Jadie is playing with him again. OooH! I'm all excited because it sounds like you just had such an awesome, wonderful day!
Plus, you have to know that even my HUSBAND (who usually just humors me and glances at the monitor when I show him pictures of other peoples' children) thinks Lucas is the cutest baby ever and should probably be in the movies or on TV or something. He oohs and ahhs over Lucas' pictures as much as I do. See?? I'm not the only one!!!
Here's wishing you all another wonderful week ;)
Hooray for a great appointment! I knew he was absolutely perfect, and I'm glad everyone else does now too!
Mason says Way To Go buddy Lucas!
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