Today Lucas went swimming for the first time ever. He wasn't sure what to think at first and clung tight to me. After a while he just relaxed and was enjoying the water so much that he put his head on my shoulder and just started to snooze right there in the water. He swam around a little with his Aunt Sam and laughed and laughed while she ticked him.

The only time he cried was when I got out of the pool to grab the camera to take a few pictures of him. Now that I know he loves the water so much I am going to invest in one of those baby pool floats. It would be nice to find one that had a built in sunshade on it in order to protect his vanilla skin.

Very cute!
They do have baby floats w/ shade for them they also have these stickers out there that you put on his arm and it tells you when he has had to much sun.You could probably find them in the pool section at walmart or in the infant section. We bought a pack of little swimmers and they gave us a free sample.Try it they work great. Love ya
EEEEEEE and Bender got in the pool today to JIM
lol I was a water-baby, too - my mom still calls me that - but HOO BOY can I remember the sunburns I used to get, no matter the amount of sunscreen my mom would slather me with.
And seriously... is he getting CUTER as he gets older? I just... I don't think that should be allowed. It leaves us swoony soon-to-be-moms all defenseless against his charms!
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