When I took photography in College one of our first assignments was to develop a "Personal Vision," something we would focus on and shoot during the semester. I sat down and tried to brain storm but couldn't settle on anything that I wanted to spend time, energy, and money on shooting. Finally, I stopped over analyzing and went out and shot pictures of things that struck me in some way. When I looked at my contact sheets I realized that I was finding my
inspiration in abandoned things.

Cargo Containers in Garden City, GA

Homelessness in Trinidad
wait, that's the whole thing?! You're not going to explain WHY you feel this compulsion to photograph abandonment? You're not going to explain if you've got some form of kinship with abandoned items or people that causes you to, you know, really be moved by them or something? Or are they just so outside of your own world that they facinate you and move you in ways things in your own immediate life don't or haven't been able to?
I don't know... I'm just drawn to things like that.
well, they're beautiful regardless. I was just curious *blush* ;)
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