This morning I was hurrying to get dressed and to pack Lucas' diaper bag to meet some friends for lunch so I just sat Lucas in his baby swing to eat breakfast (I forgot to clean off his high chair last night and didn't have the time to spare to clean it this morning.) While I am putting on my makeup I hear these loud crunching sounds and I looked over at Lucas and he was sharing his Cheerios with Jadie. Every few bites he would take he would give her a few. I wonder if this means he won't have any big issues with sharing as he gets older. I of course got on to Jadie for eating his food like that (AFTER I filmed them) Yes I realize I could have cleaned off his tray in the same amount of time it took to take the video... but that isn't the point.

Shannon, Me & Lucas, Rachel
Lucas and I made it to lunch right on time. We had lunch with Shannon and Rachel, the two people from Savannah that I have known the longest. We were all in Mrs.Waddington's fourth grade class. Shannon and Rachel are hear for a few days before they head back home to Texas.
James and I are LOVING the Lucas videos lately and wishing we were millionaires so we could buy you a camera with sound ;)
This one is probably my favorite, though... I love how you can see Jadie's ears turn back towards you like "is this okay? you sure? well... okay then!" and I love the way Lucas puts fist fulls of Cheerios into his mouth!! So cute!
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
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