You now officially have two weeks of babyhood left and you are developing into a toddler more and more each day. You are so much fun to play with now. You love to imitate what people do and say. You are always carrying on these little conversations now. I can usually understand a word here and there... "Hi, Jadie, Da Da, Kitty, Bye Bye." You will talk up a storm at home but you don't like to show off your new "word skills" to anyone but your Daddy and I. You did wave "Hi" at several people at our Mom's group today when they welcomed us when we showed up. Everyone was so delighted to get your hello wave. While we were eating lunch you and one of the other babies carried on this whole conversation of imitating each others sounds and growls. It was really cute.

Now you like to play games. When I read to you, you like to hold a book too so you can turn the pages just like I do. You still love to find Jadie's toys and hold them for her to come get from you. Your favorite thing in the world though is to dance to music (either on the radio or the music you play on your 5-in-1 gym) It still cracks me up how you will bop back and forth grooving to the music.

I thought last week was a pretty amazing week since you started pulling yourself up but this was a REALLY amazing week. It is so funny that the week you go to the Neurologist who wants to give you an MRI because you aren't where you are "supposed to be" with your lower body skills is the week you start really going and using your legs and feet.

Now that you mastered pulling up you keep trying to stand up in the middle of the room without holding onto anything. You haven't gotten there just yet but it is really something to watch your determination. When you get tired of trying to defy gravity by standing upright you move on to climbing!!!

Tonight I was sitting on the floor with you and you starting to climb up and down on the seat of your 5-in-1 gym. I grabbed the camera to try to get a better video clip of you pulling yourself up and showing off you climbing skills. Just as I hoped you pulled yourself up and then started to climb up on the seat. Then all of a sudden you sat down all by yourself on the seat. I bet that was what you were trying to do all along! Figure out how to get yourself seated at your little table! I ended up catching it on the video. I've watched it again now 5 times and each time I tear up because I am so proud of you and just amazed by how smart you are! I know before long you are going to be climbing, walking, running all over the place and into EVERYTHING!

You are working on tooth number 5 right now and you woke up 5 times last night. You are drooling all over the place and today you actually spit up three times which you never do! I think that you are producing so much excess drool it has to come out and go somewhere... like on your Dad once and me TWICE!

This week there has been baby drool everywhere! Your clothes have been covered in it and you have tried to chew and slobber on everything. Today you got a hold of my phone...okay so I handed it to you to play with to keep you occupied. We were at the weekly mom's group meet-up and you were ready for a nap but I wanted to chat for a few more minutes. When it was time to go I took my phone back and it was COVERED in baby drool. I tried to call your Aunt Lori to let her know we were on the way over to keep your Great-Grandma company and she couldn't hear me... the drool had disabled the mouth piece. Then out of no where the keypad locks up. Now all my phone will do is turn off and on. I called Cingular, my warranty doesn't cover teething baby slobber. Oh well, I guess you have a new toy to play with. I bet now that it is "yours" you won't play with it ever again.

Bugga-Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,
I don't know how it works with Baby Slobber (that stuff is STRONG, man!!) but when I dropped my cell phone in a bucket of soapy water I just turned off the phone, took the battery off, left the phone somewhere dry for 48 hours and then put it all back together and it worked perfectly. Yours has been turned on and off, though, which could fry the circuits, so the dry-out trick might not work, but it's worth a shot - those things are EXPENSIVE!!!
And YAY!! Lucas is doing all the 'right' things for his age!! Are you thrilled?
Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.
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