Today as I was editing the pictures I was going to post with your 49 week letter I realized just how much you have grown. You are so much closer to a toddler now then a little baby. This is very bitter sweet in some ways. We have started planning your first birthday party. Have you really been in our lives for that long already? I guess so since it is getting harder and harder to remember life before you. I don't think it even existed.

This week you have done some pretty amazing things! Monday night you officially became a baby who likes to stand. You stand up now all the time... and it isn't because we put you in a standing position... You pull yourself up and stand up all by yourself.

At first you would just pull yourself into a standing position at your 5-in-1 gym but today you were pulling yourself up all over the place. I guess I really should make sure our house is baby proof and that there isn't anything that is going to fall on your head. Also, I bet any day now I am going to find you standing up in your crib. We better get right on lowering your mattress so that you can't climb out of your crib!

You've always been an active baby but now that you can get around you are certainly keeping me on my toes. Today you went to the Soft Play area at the mall with your friend Kit. You were all over that place crawling, climbing, and pulling up.

Normally I would be worried about you catching all kinds of germs from the soft play area. As soon as I saw how much fun you were having though I forgot all about that. The only thing I did hate about the soft play area were all the strange kids that wanted to come up and touch you. I'm just not a fan of strange kids kissing you, touching your face, and putting their face so close to yours that they could suck your breath away. You however aren't scared of strangers at all and seem to think "hmm the stranger the better." I guess that is good since people seem drawn to you and just have to talk to you and touch you. Maybe that means you'll be a people person when you grow up and do something that really changes the world for the better... You know like being in a boy band or on a soap opera.

I can already tell you have a good heart. I think you are the sweetest baby ever and I don't think I am the least bit biased. You are always giving people hugs. You will crawl up to anyone and then hug their leg and kiss them. Today you scooted over to Dre while she was holding Kit and tried to kiss her on the foot. Every night when I put you to bed I usually hold you in my arms first and rub and pat your back. Well, last night when I picked you up and carried you towards your crib you laid your head on my shoulder and started to pat my back.

This morning I took you with me to let Jadie out and to look for the cat so you could tell him "Hey kitty" (okay so it is more like "hey keeey!") Well, as we are looking for the "keeey" I notice there is a huge tree laying in the yard. Your room borders the woods and your crib is right against the wall. If that tree had fallen to the right instead of the left it would have landed on you sleeping in your crib and I don't want to even think about what that would have meant! You definitely have SOMEONE WATCHING OVER YOU!!!

Bugga-Bugga, I love you to the moon and back,
1 comment:
You're right - he's definitely getting a little more "toddler" and a little less "baby" but that just means more fun adventures, right? I think him patting you on the back is possibly the sweetest thing I have EVER heard of, and I'm sure that you are not even one teeny tiny little bit biased - not even at all.
And of course he's got someone watching out for him - angels like to keep an eye on each other ;)
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