Today we went to my parents' house for a cook out. It was really nice and I had a lot of fun. We took Lucas swimming while we were there. Curt being the proud papa that he is held Lucas most of the time.

Curt got out of the pool before I did so he took Lucas with him. He sat Lucas on a towel in the grass and Lucas was happy to play right on that towel and just enjoy looking around. It is a good thing too because Lucas HATES grass! He would not have crawled off that towel for a million cheerios.

A friend of my Dad's and his family were also there. They had two boys (11 and 8) and a little girl (3). It was so cool watching them all interact. These kids thought their parents were the greatest people ever. They said things like "My Dad does the best dives," "You have to taste my mom's famous potato salad." It was really cool to see and to have that to look forward to. Okay, yes I have seen parents with their kids before but I guess I just never really noticed things like that before. I also fell in love with the little girl's pigtails... and I realized I really do want another baby for sure (but not anytime soon!!! I'm talking years and years from now)
Happy 1st 4th!!!!
Heh... how many years from now? lol
I'm glad you had such a great time! Curt certainly does look the part of Proud Papa - he is so cute with Lucas, you are so blessed. I can't wait to see James with Zoe once we're all here together.
I love your blog - I feel like I'm getting glimpses of the future.
Thought I'd let you know I posted the dreaded belly pics all in a row together on Zoe's portion of my site. You were the only one who asked for it, so I figured I'd tell you in person ;)
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