How can it be that my sweet little baby boy will be 1 in just a few short hours? A year ago today I had to be taken to the hospital in an ambulance. I almost had to have an emergency c-section and I was really scared... or at least I was until I got that wonderful epidural. Do you realize that I was in labor from 10:30 PM July 25 until you were born at 6:13 AM July 27th and that you were 10 lbs 4 oz? Did you know that given the choice I would go through that again and so much more for you and that is even when you still haven't said Mama!!!

You have logged a lot of car seat time this week. You are now going to occupational therapy twice a week and physical therapy once. For the most part you like it and think you are playing the whole time. Every once in a while you will flat out refuse to do something that the therapists try to get you to do (usually this happens when they try to get you to sit up) and then you will come home and do it yourself in your own way. Secretly this makes me so proud because you already have your own little will and determination. Both your physical therapist and occupational therapist have told me that we should have already went ahead and gotten your MRI so we could know what kind of brain injury you have. I was starting to wonder if we had made the wrong choice about waiting 3 months to see if you even needed it. Deep down though I know there is nothing wrong with you and that you are just going to do everything in your own time. I'm starting to trust my inner "mommy voice" more.

Today you had your 1 year well baby visit. Originally it was scheduled for Friday but your pediatrician's office called and asked if we wanted to go ahead and come in. I jumped at the chance because I was dying to know your one year stats and to talk about the MRI think with your Doctor. Everyone always remembers you when you go in the office because of your blue eyes and your petiteness. Today we were in the Fantasia Mickey mouse room (hey as long as it isn't the Lion King room!) You are now 16 lbs and 3 oz and are 27 & 1/2 inches long and have 8 teeth (2 on the bottom and 6 on the top.) You also got two shots today and you handled them like a champ.

Dr. Ramos was happy that you are slowly continuing to grow. He also agreed that there is no need for an MRI and that we should do what we think is best and listen to the neurologist over his physical and occupational therapist. It sure is nice to get a little reaffirmation that we are doing what is right for you. He is no longer concerned about you since you are pulling up to stand on your own. We no longer have to go in for once a month checkups. The next well baby visit will be at 15 months so he would just like to see you halfway between now and the just to make sure you are continuing to grow. He also said it is pretty much safe to give you any sort of table food now (well except for Eggs, milk, nuts, and peanut butter.) He strongly recommends Salmon... poor little baby I don't know how you are going to get that since I have no clue how to cook fish since I HATE the taste and smell of it.

Today after we got home from your appointments I put you down on the floor to play so that I could pick up the living room. The next thing I know you have pulled nearly everything off your changing table and are happily tossing your diapers all over the room. You are down to one nap a day and you seem to have even more energy especially if it involves getting into things. I can't even imagine what my day is going to be like when you can walk by yourself.

Not only have I watched you grow over this past year but I've also watched your father grow into an amazing Dad! Tonight Jadie scratched you by accident on your arm (somehow you decided that you would try to crawl under her and in trying to escape she got you pretty good.) I know it must have hurt because Jadie has scratched me by accident before and immediately you started to cry. Your Dad scooped you up immediately and hugged you to your chest and you instantly calmed down. I used to be the only one that could soothe you. Now you want your equal Daddy time! Saturday because of Kit's birthday party and grocery shopping for your birthday party we didn't get to spend that much time with your Dad. You ended up waking up at 2 AM. I found you standing in your crib calling for your Daddy. You went right back to sleep after a couple of Daddy hugs. It is so nice to watch you two together.

Bugga-Bugga, I love you to the moon and back and more than you will ever know. Thanks for changing my life,
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