A year ago today I took my last pregnancy self portrait right before Curt and I headed to the birth center. We were pretty sure that Lucas would be in our arms by the next morning. By 11 PM my midwife had broken my water and I was starting to feel very mild contractions. I was walking and talking and Curt and I were so excited. I never imagined how stubborn Lucas would be about making his appearance.
It is so strange to see the living room behind me so empty. Now the living room is filled with things everywhere that scream "a baby lives here!" Also, the lamp is no longer near the door and we put the light switch cover back on when we got home from the hospital. One of the only things that has not changed from a year ago is that we still need to paint that last baseboard white.
Today Lucas and I went to our SAHM Meet-up. I'm really getting to know and love these women and their kids. Today we had someone come give us a talk highlighting some of the 365 ways to keep kids safe. The people giving us the talk also gave everyone there a free copy of their book which I'm sure will be a great reference to have. After the discussion we had a little picnic and just hung out. Tomorrow we are going for a Mom's night out on the town and I can hardly wait.

Before we left for the meet-up Lucas was taking a nap. I opened his door expecting him to wake up (he is such a light sleeper) but he didn't. Instead of waking him up right away I just stood over him and watched him sleep and thought about how fast this past year has been. Then of course I ran and got my camera and recorded him sleeping. I know this isn't an exciting video but it will help me remember just how he curled up with his little blanket person and what his sweet little baby feet looked like.
1 comment:
I didn't think the video was boring, and neither did James.
There is just something about those baby feet that get me RIGHT HERE every time. *sighs*
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