Today we went to the beach with my friend Shannon (different Shannon then Thursday) and my friend Candi (who I haven't seen in about 10 years) I didn't get a chance to get pictures of us girls together but we are all supposed to get together before Candi leaves again on Thursday.

Lucas loved everything about the beach; the sand (eating it) the sea shells (eating them), the people watching, and the waves lapping at his toes. Even after two showers (one at the beach and one when we got home) I am still finding sand on him... and it even showed up a few hours AFTER we went to the beach... in his diaper.

I was really surprised that Lucas enjoyed playing in the sand because he HATES any part of his body touching the grass. By the end of our day he was covered head to toe in sand.

I guess sand must taste good because he kept trying to shovel it into his mouth over and over again.

I also took a video clip of him playing in the sand (nothing too exciting.) I wish I had gotten someone to take a picture of Lucas playing in the water... guess we will just have to go back sometime then.

I'm surprised that he likes the sand but not the grass - I'll take grass in my shorts over sand in my shorts any day!
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for the beach video clip and pics - James and I both enjoyed them. James has no interest in ANY of the blogs I read except this one, because he likes to see the clips and pics of Lucas and talk about how we'll be posting pics and clips for YOU some day of Zoe ;)
Lucas sure looks like Curt in these pictures for some reason. How cute, you are brave though for letting him get sooooo dirty. Although, at the beach there is not much choice. :-)
I was trying to figure out who Lucas Looked like in these pictures. I guess Lindsay is right. Looks like he LOVED it.
Ah I wish I had time to go to the beach.
Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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