Since I saved so much time not changing Lucas clothes today (and most of the day I didn't even have the snaps fastened on his romper) I was able to play with him all day and take two short video clips. I really need to trade in our digital camera for one that takes video clips with sound. Lucas says several words clear as a bell now like "Hi!" and "Bye Bye"
(Click on the small images to view the video clips)

James insisted on watching both videos three times each... and I didn't argue, I admit it.
I can't WAIT 'til you get sound so I can hear all these words he's learning!! Does he say Momma yet, or is he still holding out?
No mama! He looked at me today though, smiled and yelled DADA again... so maybe I'll start answering to that :) He might think both of us are DADA because now he calls every animal he sees (except our dog Jadie) kitty.
Those cheeks sure are getting chubby!!! Tell Lushus we miss him :-)
Ahhhhh... well, you're that much closer then!! I think the "m" sound is harder for babies to make than the "d" sound, anyhow.
At least, that's what I'll be telling MYself when Zoe does the same thing ;)
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